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April 17, 2013

My Soul is a Desert

I'd hope it would be "dessert", but since all the options were desert scenes in this image quiz....

Your Darkness is Your Soul's Secret

To most people, you seem full of light and joy. You're the first one to smile or say something optimistic.

You put on a brave face for your friends, the family, and the world. You try to make the best of bad situations.

You keep your darkness a secret because you don't want to burden others with your problems. They have enough to handle as is.

You feel like your problems and struggles are for you to deal with. Everyone has them. What makes yours special?

If your darkness was less of a secret, people would be surprised to know what you've been struggling with... and that you're just like them.

You may burden others by revealing the darker parts of your soul, but you'd be unburdening yourself a lot more in return.


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Practical?  Not really.  Fun?  Loads!

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April 14, 2013

She's Not There - The Zombies

Originally published 5/2/09, but I noticed the video had been taken down.

Dear Dave

I was cleaning out my Gmail spam folder just now and found this:

Dave Dawes david007@hotmail.com

Good day,

I am Dave Dawes, My wife and I won the biggest Euro Millions lottery prize and we just commenced our Charity Donation and we will be giving out a cash donation to five(5)lucky individuals and ten(10)charity organisations from any part of the world. To verify the genuineness of this email and our winnings, please see our interview by visiting the web page below;


Your email address was submitted to my wife and I by the Google Management Team and you received this email because we have listed you as one of the lucky millionaires, To file your claim, Kindly send us the following details Name: () Age: ()Contact address: ()Telephone: ()Occupation: () Present Country: ()

Congratulations & Happy Celebrations in Advance,

Dave & Angela Dawes
Email: daveandangeladawes65@yahoo.com.hk

Gee, thanks for thinking of me, "Dave".  I'd be delighted if you shared your new-found wealth with me, but I'm a little concerned about a few things:  The first one is that I see that's a valid story and "you" are giving away part of your £101m jackpot, but the story is dated over two and a half years ago.  Surely you're not having problems giving the money away? Why would the "Google Management Team" want ME to have any of your money? I don't know any of them and I'm sure they don't know me; I'm just one in many, many millions of Gmail users.

Also, why is it the mail supposedly comes from a Hotmail address and in your closing, you give a Yahoo one?   Looking at the source of the email, I see it originates from a mail.astrobl.ru domain.  If you live in the UK, then why is the mail coming from Russia?  There's also a "spf=softfail" in the source and a quick bit of research tells me that means the mail is coming from somewhere other than the stated email address.  It's spoofed, in other words.

So, "Dave", I'm thinkin' your name is closer to "Dmitry" than it is "Dave.  Whatever it is, you're a rotten thievin' Ruskie.  I hope the authorities catch you, try and convict you and send you to Siberia for ten years at hard labor and hopefully you'll get frostbite on your private parts. 

Then you can change your name to Dave Rotchacockoff.

April 12, 2013

E-Mail Bug

From the Photobucket archives:

I found this bug in the last email you sent. I'm sending it back.

Please be more careful next time.

April 11, 2013

Vote For Bush!

I was reading an article about George and Laura Bush's daughter Jenna having a baby shower thrown for her by her TV co-workers, then noticed a "Which Bush is your favorite?" poll on the side, so I voted.  I know OF Billy Bush and the band Bush, but can't claim to have listened to the show of the former and couldn't name a tune by the latter.  Of course, I know about the two presidents Bush and knew about Jenna and her fraternal twin sister Barbara from the news stories* that came out when their father first became President.  

I thought about the vote for a little bit, then went ahead and clicked on George W. Bush, what the heck.  I voted for him twice before, why not three times?  According to half of America, I'm responsible for the country's ills because I did vote for him the first two times. 

*I remember a story about the Bush twins getting arrested twice for minor in possession (of alcohol) within a few weeks and not long after that, Jenna getting busted for trying to use a fake I.D. as so to buy alcohol. I remember making a joke at the time that the U.S. could probably reduce the deficit just by selling the twin's empties.