I grew up eating frozen waffles, so I never cared for them, then I ate some fresh-made ones and my attitude towards them changed with the first bite. I have looked at waffle irons on Amazon, both electric and the stove top kind, plus I've read dozens of recipes. I don't think I'd eat them on a regular basis, but they're nice for a change-of-pace.
You Are Maple Syrup |
You are dependable and even a little old fashioned. You're not one to change a good thing. You have simple tastes and enjoy simple pleasures more than most people. For you, quality always comes first. You can be a bit of a perfectionist at times, but mostly just in your service to others. You like to do a good job. You consider yourself a normal person, and you are very dependable. You only need a few comforts to feel content. |