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June 16, 2014

No Waffling on This Quiz

I grew up eating frozen waffles, so I never cared for them, then I ate some fresh-made ones and my attitude towards them changed with the first bite. I have looked at waffle irons on Amazon, both electric and the stove top kind, plus I've read dozens of recipes. I don't think I'd eat them on a regular basis, but they're nice for a change-of-pace.

You Are Maple Syrup

You are dependable and even a little old fashioned. You're not one to change a good thing.

You have simple tastes and enjoy simple pleasures more than most people. For you, quality always comes first.

You can be a bit of a perfectionist at times, but mostly just in your service to others. You like to do a good job.

You consider yourself a normal person, and you are very dependable. You only need a few comforts to feel content. 


June 15, 2014

Cat Walk

This reminds me of horses in Dressage competitions.

June 14, 2014

Lightnin' Strikes- Lou Christie

This was todays calendar trivia:  Men are more likely to get struck by lightning than women. 

All gratutitous jokes aside, I would wager that is because there are many more men than women in outdoor professions.  Regardless, when I saw this particular bit of trivia, it reminded me of this old song.  There were better videos, but I chose this one because it was recorded not long after the song came out in 1965, going on to be a #1 hit the next year.

Another bit of trivia ; from Wiki : That song (The Gypsy Cried) was released in 1962 on the C & C (sometimes listed as C & Ce) label and unexpectedly credited to "Lou Christie" without his permission. He had been working on a list of potential stage names, and he has stated that he hated the name for years afterwards: "I was pissed off about it for 20 years. I wanted to keep my name and be a one-named performer, just 'Lugee'."

Broken Blade of Grass

404 page at designboom, a broken blade of grass amongst all the rest. Not as visually stunning or funny as most of the rest I've posted, but I like the analogy.

Not so crazy about the spelling, though: "...thousands of articles to look trough here"?

June 12, 2014

Something's Der Hotten in Denmark

Last week in Copenhagen, a large crowd gathered to collectively hurt themselves for this amusingly masochistic video. Individually wrapped ghost peppers — a chili pepper that’s about 100 times hotter than a jalapeno — were passed out, and then everyone bit in at the same time…

June 11, 2014


prevaricator [pri-var-i-key-ter] noun

1. a person who speaks falsely; liar.
2. a person who speaks so as to avoid the precise truth; quibbler; equivocator.

This definition should be illustrated with a group photo of Congress and this administration.