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August 7, 2016


shenanigan\ shuh-NAN-i-guhn \ , noun;
1. Mischief; prankishness.
2. Remarks intended to deceive; deceit. Often used in the plural.

"Often used in the plural".

Of course it is; what's the use of doin' a single shenanigan?

July 22, 2016

My Future

I saw one of those Magic 8-Ball toys the other day in a store; I hadn't seen one in a long time and thought they had been discontinued. On a lark, I picked it up and started asking it questions. "Will I ever find love again?" The answer: "Don't count on it" Well rats.   I kept asking questions and kept getting answers I didn't want to see.  Surely something good was going to happen to me!

Hopefully, I asked another question and got this:

What has the Microsoft e-mail program have to do with my winning the lottery?

July 19, 2016

Squidbillies Theme Song

While I've done a few reviews of movies and TV shows, I keep meaning to do more, but to be honest, they take a lot of time and especially if I want them to be truly original and worth reading.

I used to watch Squidbillies when I had cable, then thought the show had been cancelled, so I was surprised to see the newest episodes online. I've been d/l them to watch on my tablet and while it's not as funny now as it was when I first started watching it, it's still good for a grin now 'n then.

My favorite part is the theme song; this one is done by Billy Jo Shaver and is, IMHO, the best of all the renditions.  The lyrics match how I feel much of the time these days.

While I'm WAY behind on writing reviews, it's given me an idea for an easier topic/label to start doing: Theme Songs.