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December 23, 2012

YouTube Scam

I've been getting dozens of these messages in my email account over the last few days. They have obfuscated links that don't go to YouTube but to some .ru domain.

If the Russkies had put the same effort into Communism as they do into these scams, they wouldn't have lost the Cold War.

I should have saved all the email addresses of the scam mails, but I just deleted them from the junk mail folder.  Here's this one though, in hopes their fellow scammer/ spammer spiders pick it up and spam THEIR email address.



From Dictionary.com Word of the Day

douce  [doos] adjective, Scot. and North England
sedate; modest; quiet.

Oddly enough, someone who is brash, loud and a braggart is a douche.

December 22, 2012


decathect de·ca·thect [dee-kuh-thekt]
verb (used with object) to withdraw one's feelings of attachment from (a person, idea, or object), as in anticipation of a future loss: He decathected from her in order to cope with her impending death.

Yet another word of which I wasn't familiar...but yet another definition I know all-too-well. It's what I've been doing over the last few years with most of my relationships.

In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida - Iron Butterfly

R.I.P. Lee Dorman

December 21, 2012


I was getting the code for the R.E.M. video ( post below this one) at YouTube and started listening to a few more of their tunes that had been uploaded. I generally don't read the posts under the videos because outside of Facebook, they contain some of the most stupid comments I've ever read on the 'net. I did happen to catch a glimpse of this one, however, and it made me literally laugh out loud.

Now, I realize the poster isn't a native-born English speaker, but it's still funny.

I've heard them referred to as "goose bumps", "goose pimples" or even "goose flesh" but never "goosehumps".

I immediately thought of this.

It's The End Of The World - R.E.M.

(As We Know It)

December 20, 2012

Bah, Humbug!

Your Christmas Spirit Level: 10%
Your Christmas spirit is there, but it's very faint.

If you celebrate Christmas at all, it's only when you truly want to.

It's okay if you're not really into the whole Christmas thing. Don't worry about not having enough spirit.

Pushing yourself to do more will only turn you into a Grinch!