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September 2, 2019


Not exactly a 404 page, but a strange one.   I was looking at real estate on Trulia and kept trying to find homes in the Krum, TX area and was getting this ea. time I clicked on a link.

I'd say if your house was tilted on edge like that, it would be self-tidying; the dirt and trash would slide right out the door...along with the furniture, appliances and any house guests you might have.

Then again, that might be a good feature to have on that last, huh?

August 31, 2019

Trumped Again!

Hilarious 404 page from the President's re-election website.

Click graphic for larger view.

August 20, 2019

A Cowgirl's Grave

A lovely stone in the town cemetery
East of Miami, Texas

(click pic for a little larger view)

Note: This is a "bump" from June '08, but I put in a different photo from a different angle.

I didn't notice it until I got home and downloaded the photos to my computer but the background reflection of the bluffs on the other side of Red Deer Creek seem to blend into the scene on the stone.

August 17, 2019

Quote of the Day 8-17-19

From the Quote of the Day module in the right-hand column:

For the happiest life, days should be rigorously planned, nights left open to chance.

Mignon McLaughlin

By that philosophy, I should be having at least a half-happy life because I pretty much leave the entire day open to chance.

Oh Snap! I AM Lost!

Just Hoo! Hoo! do you think I am?  Owl never find the video I wanted to watch.

From Vidloxtv

August 16, 2019

Rollercoaster Day

Today is National Rollercoaster Day!

July 31, 2019

Burnt Cookies

Page Not Found on the King Arthur website.

(Click pic f/ larger view)

I'd say it might be best to lay off the eggnog until AFTER the cookies were done.

Satan's Sister

One Sunday morning, Satan appeared before a small town congregation. Everyone started screaming and running for the front church door, trampling each other in a frantic effort to get away.

Soon, everyone was gone, except for an elderly gentleman who sat calmly. Satan walked up to the man and said, "Don't you know who I am?"

The man replied, "Yep, sure do."

Satan asked, "Aren't you going to run?"

"Nope, sure ain't," said the man.

Perturbed, Satan asked, "Why aren't you afraid of me?"

The man calmly replied, "Been married to your sister for over 48 years."

June 3, 2019

Stupendous Slinky Skills

May 28, 2019

Just Isn't The Same

I had disconnected from the 'net, then decided I'd go get my Bings Rewards points and opened up my Edge Browser (a few more points by using it) and got this error message.

It's good to know they think the web isn't the same without me, but to be truthful, I'm not the same w/out the web.  I've tried all kinds of vices in my life and never had any real problems with any of them (except smoking) and could lay them down, quit without much problem, but I really do miss the Internet when I am offline. 

I *might* have a problem, but AFAIC, it's not all that bad.  Sure, I waste a LOT of time online, but it's not ALL wasted;  I can honestly say I learn something new each and every day.

Besides that, all my friends live in my computer!

I know I'm not "connected".  Otherwise I'd have friends named Big Pussy, Sal and Tony and a good no-show job for the local waste management concern.

May 26, 2019

I Had to Google This

I've received other Google error pages before, but never a 404 page. 

I kept trying again to reach my Gmail account and kept getting the following until about the fourth time when I got an explanation page that there was "something wrong with your cookies."  I figured it couldn't be MY fault since they're the ones that like to put them on my computer and track me all across the World Wide Web.

Deleted cache and cookies and everything was copacetic.  I am loathe to delete my browser cache until necessary, esp. since I now have to pay for my data usage.

Click graphic for larger view.  Gotta love the Google 'bot, huh?

"That's all we know."  They probably know more about me than did my mom.

May 20, 2019


Not quite a 404 page but a funny one from Imgur when a photo has been deleted.

(Click for larger view)

April 18, 2019

Horrifying Last Moments

Man records last moments of his life. Truly horrifying, so if you have a faint heart, DO NOT WATCH!

April 8, 2019


An interesting example of a cartogram.

From the website:

A cartogram is a map in which a variable of interest (e.g. population, income) is substituted for area. In this case, we've taken the population of each US state as determined by the census, conducted every decade.

The animation below illustrates high-level trends that have happened in the United States over its lifetime, such as a general migration westward. Click "Replay" on the left side in order to watch the animation again, or click any of the year labels on the right to navigate directly to a certain year.

US Population Trends Over The Last 220 Years [Cartogram]

March 1, 2019

I, Pencil: The Movie

A great video, very appropriate example of capitalism, sorely needed at this point in time.

February 27, 2019

Hard Core

Originally published 8/7/08.  I was telling a friend about my oil field experiences and linked him to this post and decided it was worth a "bump".

I took these photos a few months ago to post in a political forum I used to frequent; I wanted to (try to) prove to a guy that hydrocarbons were formed by deposits of organic material. He was arguing that, since some Georgia textbook had said "oil came from dinosaurs" that that was what was taught in our schools and it was wrong. (never mind that the textbook was printed in the 50's, and was a grade school primer. That was about his intellectual level, come to think of it)

He was insisting that oil is formed in the earth's core (abiogenic petroleum origin) and that we were nowhere nearly running out of it and that oil companies kept this "fact" a secret . (and this coming from a guy who said every Ron Paul supporter was a conspiracy nut)

This is a core sample from one of my dad's wells; it came from approx. 4800 feet and is from the Brown Dolomite formation.

The large white deposit in the above photo is chert (sometimes called "flint"); drilling through the dolomite formation is tricky enough*, but these hard layers of chert could tear up a drill bit if not careful.

*Dolomite is very porous, and that's why -- in that particular area -- it is the oil-bearing strata. In other places, where it was necessary to drill deeper to find oil or gas, drilling through this particular formation took special precautions; if the drilling fluid wasn't viscous (thick) enough, or didn't have enough "filler", the formation could swell from the fresh water and "stick your bit" and pipe. It is also a "lost circulation" zone, sometimes sucking in fluid faster than could be pumped down the hole.

This next photo shows just how porous the rock is.

It's so porous, I used to like to pour liquid incense onto the core; it would soak it up and slowly release the fragrance over several weeks time.

This next shot shows some tiny fossils embedded into it. (Some might argue that they're rock, but I took this to my college geology professor and he verified it. He wanted me to give it to him, but he had already stolen a meteorite from me...long story)

No, it wasn't "just" dinosaurs that made oil; my dad used to say it was dinosaur "poop" more than the prehistoric animal remains, but that was...just like that Georgia textbook...a simplification. The organic material that later became oil came from seas that used to cover this area millions of years ago. It wasn't just one time, but several, over millions of years and millions of tons of organics. The tremendous amount of organic material, under tremendous heat and pressure, formed the hydrocarbons.

That's not as nice an example as is this core sample from Norway, but I think it's still interesting.

My dad and I used to polish rocks, and he made an ashtray out of a slab of core sample. I don't know what happened to it, but it had a beautiful shell in it.

That particular field is nearly played out, but the last time I was out there, they were drilling some injection wells and seemed to be having some success with that method. (tertiary recovery)