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February 26, 2013

Jessica - The Allman Brothers (live)

Originally posted March 25, 2008.

"Bumped" to say RIP Dan Toler

Dedicated to my pal, Garazon.


Mike said...

One of the best "truckin' " songs ever made.

garazon said...

Wow I haven't had a listen to this in a long time! I can remember many a time driving around with this playing. And from the time it came out until the early 80's really it was getting a lot of airplay on the local fm station, and FM at that time was just finding its way as an outlet for prgressive rock and later to mainstream. Remember when AM used to kick ass?! LOL Geez I'm old now arent I? Well anyway I loved this song from the time I heard it. I think I have probably told the story before of it influencing me in naming my daughter! ;) Well to be honest I cant remember now how it came about exactly, but we were talking about names for the baby and we had it down to a choice if it was a girl. Well I rememebr Jessica being one of the names we had picked but for the life of me now I have forgot the other, well I think I had already made my mind up even before the other names as I just liked this song. ;) Well as it turns out after Jessica was born in 82 the song got less and less play and to be honest i had forgot about the song until one day years later we were all riding in the car coming back from the beach and this tune comes on the radio and we were just listening to it and rididng along without thinking and it was just finishing up when I thought to tell my daughter in the back seat that this song is what made me vote for Jessica as her name! Well she was around 7 then and not having a long attention span to begin with, much less paying attention to a song without words! Wel the song was done before I could tell her the story. Well she didnt beleive me at first, asking how can it be called "Jessica" if there are no words? Well try explaining that to a 7 year old.. I just gave up.. lol Well she really didnt believe me and I never had the album or tape so I couldnt show her, but evry few years we would hear it comne on the radio again and then finally one day the announcer or host of the program it was on started giving the info for it, and finally my daughter heard it from someone other than me and her mom and got this look like "You named me after this?? " I dont think she was quite old enough to appreciate the song as it was intended. lol well she should just be thankful she didnt end being named Maybelline or Peggy Sue or even Polythene Pam! ;)
Man they look young in that video and that was still 10 years after the song origninally came out!

Thanks Mike, nice hearing it again!

Mike said...

I certainly do remember when AM radio was good; it wasn't so bad when the station was close or it was a clear night. We used to listen to KOMA out of OK City, came in loud and clear.

I can't remember if I told you this, but I also know two other children of friend's who were named after that song.

I was familiar with the Allman Bros., but never had owned one of their albums. My second semester roommate at college had the record and we would let it play over and over, all through the night. I never got tired of that song.

To me, it reminds me of trips to Palo Duro Canyon with the guys in my unit, some guys from home, such fun. I'm sure being young and having loads of energy, THAT memory, which makes the fondest memories.

Otherwise, it's pretty hazy a lot of the time. -grin-

Barb said...

Count me in as one of the "oldsters" who remembers AM radio kicking ass.
That sound brings back hazy ;-) memories of some good roadtrips.

Mike said...

Nar, not YOU Barb! -grin-