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July 29, 2008

Test Your News IQ

From the website:

To test your knowledge of prominent people and major events in the news, we invite you to take our short quiz. Then see how you did in comparison with 1,003 randomly sampled adults asked the same questions in a recent national survey conducted by the Pew Research Center.

You'll also be able to compare your News IQ with the average scores of men and women; with college graduates as well as those who didn't attend college; with people who are your age as well as with younger and older Americans. Are you more news-savvy than the average American?


Mike said...

I missed two; one was who is the head of the DNC and the other was who is the head of the Fed. Reserve.

I knew the Fed. Reserve had recently changed directors and who is was before, but I also thought the Dems had a new leader.

I'm pretty much a news junkie, but only about the items/headlines that catch my eye. Being a RP supporter, I sure should've known who the new head of the Fed. Res. is as well as the Dem. leader.

I took the test yesterday, and "think" my score was 83, well above the natl. average.

Mike said...

"who IT was before"

I should delete my comment and fix that, but...

I'm anal, but not THAT anal.

Barb said...

I missed two as well. What number was closet to the Dow current closing average and (I'm ashamed to say) the number of US casualties in the Iraq war.

And yup Mike, 2 wrong would have given you a 83

Copy and paste from my try:
Here's Your Score: You correctly answered 10 out of the 12 possible questions, which means you did better on the quiz than 83% of the general public.

Mike said...
