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January 7, 2009

Birds of a Feather

These are, anyway.

Top 10 Birds That Could Kick Your Ass

When I was a kid, we used to have a rooster that would kick mine every chance he got. Geese can inflict some painful nips, too. I once worked for a guy who raised fighting cocks and he had a hen that took a dislike to me and would spur me as I walked by. He used to move her around from her tethered position just so I would bypass her spot and walk right by where she actually was.

Dad quit raising chickens after leaving a coffee can full of sodium hydroxide (often called "caustic soda", it's a very concentrated form of lye, was used to "scrub" our house gas supply which came directly from a well) out in the rain, rusting it and leeching the contents into the surrounding soil. He said one morning he looked out and saw several of the chickens flopping around in the driveway...because the caustic substance had pretty much dissolved their feet.

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