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January 27, 2009


From this blog's Word of the Day from Dictionary.com

wanton \WON-tn\, adjective:
1. reckless, heartless, or malicious; without reason or excuse
2. not moral; lewd, lascivious

This word has been used a lot lately, particularly in regards to politics. An example: "Bush's wanton disregard for (insert offended segment of the population and their beef)...yada yada yada."

That's the first definition, but I always think of the second when I see the word in print or hear it.

Think of two Texas guys in a bar, ogling a stripper who has turned her attention to them in hopes of tips being stuffed in her g-string.

"That, my friend," says one, "is a perfect example of a wanton woman."

"Yew got tha' raht." replies the other. "Ah'm a wantin' her BAD."

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