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September 22, 2009

The Progressive Quiz

A 40 question quiz that will evaluate how progressive or conservative you are. When a statement appears, click on a number or press the corresponding key. You must assess each statement before you can proceed to the next.

The Progressive Quiz

My score didn't surprise me:

I think my score is skewed a bit because I strongly disagree with govt. having much of a role in anything at all and am a firm believer in free trade. It probably goes the other way because I don't want religion mixed in with govt. and then back again to the right because I don't think minorities are discriminated against as much as is commonly thought, and then back again because I think the US has no business in the affairs of other countries. I'm not sure if my score means I'm "under-average" or overly conservative.

The Progressive Quiz


Barb said...

Off to take that quiz. I'm betting it has no way to take into account libertarian leanings which can come across as both conservative and liberal at times. That's what came to mind when you mentioned your results were probably skewed a bit.

Barb said...

221 = a progressive. No surprise there I guess, lol.

Mike said...

I took it again and scored 152. Very little difference.