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May 17, 2010

A Simple Solution

To help clean up the oil spill.

For several decades, I've thought this method could be a help for offshore oil spills. As the man says in the vid, I've also thought the oil-soaked hay could be burned or "squeezed" to get the oil out and reprocessed. I've also wondered if cottonseed hulls or even cotton could be used in much the same manner.

The sad fact is that oil spills will most likely happen again in the future, although I hope and pray something like this latest catastrophe could be avoided or mitigated. Another fact is we NEED this oil; offshore drilling accounts for a large percentage of our total domestic production.

1 comment:

Barb said...

That is simple, and sometimes simple get's over looked.

And you're right about us needing those offshore sources of oil, they are a big part of the picture, both current and future, for our country's energy security and energy freedom.

Good post Mike.