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June 9, 2010


noctivagant \noc-tiv-A-gant\ , adjective;
1. Pertaining to going about in the night; night-wandering.

I'm definitely a noctivagant type of person; I've always preferred the nighttime. It was always easier to find a morning tour job on a drilling rig...not only to find a job (because not many other guys wanted to work that shift), but to find the rigs at night, the derricks lit up like short strands of pearls sticking up into the sky.

The best night shift is during the summer, although it's sometimes hard to get out during the day to enjoy the weather. It's cooler at night which certainly helps when having to work really hard. Winter nights were bad many times, especially during blizzards or wet, windy weather, but there's no better feeling than to be going home after a bad night and it was always a neat thing to be getting off when the rest of the world was going to work.

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