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June 1, 2010


oleaginous\oh-lee-AJ-uh-nuhs\ , adjective;
1. Having the nature or qualities of oil.
2. Containing oil.
3. Producing oil.
4. Unctuous; fawning; smarmy.

The first three definitions could describe the Gulf of Mexico. The last one could describe the President as he bowed before the Saudis a few months ago.

Excuse me while I get on the soapbox. I was dismayed to see Obama bow to the Saudi king, but have been more so to see the US grovel before them each time we buy a bbl. of oil from the Middle East.

I think Bush was wrong to invade Iraq, at least when he did. No, we should've invaded the REAL source of terrorism (esp. that of the 9/11 attacks), Saudia Arabia. We should have invaded and captured Mecca, then set off a "hog bomb" - tons and tons of bacon fat- right in the middle of their "sacred site".

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