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December 19, 2013

There's Something Fishy

About these quiz results!

Don't get me wrong; I like fish sandwiches.  I've bought fish sticks and put them on a bun (hot dog, preferably), slathered it w/ tartar sauce and chowed down. (Aren't fish sticks the equivalent of a hot dog, anyway?  You really don't know what-all types of fish are in them)

That said, I am definitely not a fish burger.  I thought about getting a hamburger tonight after I went to the grocery store, but I always want fries w/ them and that many carbs are just not good for me.  Still, if I had to choose between a fish burger and a hamburger (cheeseburger!), I'd almost always opt for the hamburger. (with cheese!)  I guess if I had burgers every day for a week, I might want a change-of-pace and pick the fish burger, but straight up I'll choose the hamburger. (with cheese, please!)

You Are a Fish Burger
You tend to be a healthy eater, but not because you try so hard. You simply like a variety of interesting foods.

You love flavor, spice, and interesting new creations. You may not consider yourself a foodie, but you are a very adventurous eater.

You are an optimistic, good-humored person who loves to step outside your comfort zone. Normal is boring!

You are curious about the world and other people. You live an open and expansive life that you're constantly adding to. 



Carolea said...

When it comes to eating, you have a hearty appetite and aren't going to be deterred by food fads.
You know what you like, and it's high quality, old fashioned, back to basic foods.

You are generally an easygoing person. You are comfortable in a variety of situations... you make yourself at home.
You are genuine and unpretentious. You find that it's too much overhead to pretend to be someone you're not.

Carolea said...

I'm a cheese burger

Barb said...

Mine came out the same as yours Carol. :D

sharintexas said...

I'm a cheeseburger, too. Maybe that's why Mike loves us!