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Showing posts with label movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label movies. Show all posts

July 30, 2014

Honest Trailers - Forrest Gump

I love this movie, celebrating its 20th anniversary since being released, but this is literally laugh-out-loud funny.

Well, it was for me, anyway.  Your mileage may vary.

Forrest Gump on IMDB.

July 28, 2014

Mad Max: Fury Road

I might have to break down and go to the theater to watch this.

July 11, 2014

June 26, 2014

The Wilhelm Scream

The Wilhelm scream is a film and television stock sound effect that has been used in more than 200 movies, beginning in 1951 for the film Distant Drums. The scream is often used when someone is shot, falls from a great height, or is thrown from an explosion.

Most likely voiced by actor and singer Sheb Wooley (his biggest music hit was Purple People Eater), the sound is named after Private Wilhelm, a character in The Charge at Feather River, a 1953 western in which the character gets shot with an arrow. This was its first use from the Warner Bros. stock sound library, although The Charge at Feather River is believed to have been the third movie to use the effect.

The effect gained new popularity (its use often becoming an in-joke) after it was used in Star Wars, the Lord of the Rings trilogy, the Indiana Jones series, Disney cartoons and many other blockbuster films as well as many television programs and video games.

(source:  Wikipedia )

June 4, 2014

Can You Hold It?

Originally published May 27, 2009.

"The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder." - Alfred Hitchcock

I saw that quote earlier and it reminded me of this post; I did a quick search and found it and this and several other posts came up in the results.  I hadn't realized there were so many "pee+movies" posts...just goes to show you the basic substance of this blog.

I checked the site and it looks like they've done away with their listings on their site, instead going to apps for phones and PC. 

I bet everyone has had this problem; you're at a movie you've been wanting to see for a long time and thanks to the tanker car-sized drink you bought to wash down your popcorn, you find yourself needing to go pee.

Before you go to the movie and then have to" go", go to the website RunPee.com. Find the movie you're going to go see and they'll tell you the best time in the movie to make your pee run, missing only those scenes that are not integral to the storyline. They'll be quite specific, giving you the time and a description of the scene that will be your cue to head for the potty.

A nifty feature of the site is how they won't reveal any "spoilers", instead scrambling the part you missed; click a button to reveal a short synopsis of the scenes that are going on while you'll be gone.

It's a new website, so not all movies are indexed, but they do have a decent listing of older movies...although, if you've rented the vid, you could just hit the "Pause" button, couldn't you?

June 2, 2014

Royally Useless Trivia

The "Today in History" module tells me that this day marks the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II of England in 1953.  Coincidentally, my trivia calendar says all the swans in England are property of the Queen.

I don't trust this trivia calendar because I've researched some of the entries and found they weren't exactly true.  So, I checked and found out on the official site of the British Monarchy that the Crown retains the right to ownership of all unmarked mute swans in open water, but The Queen only exercises her ownership on certain stretches of the Thames and its surrounding tributaries. The article goes on to say swans used to be considered a delicacy.

Not long ago, the Amarillo Globe-News Facebook page linked to a letter from someone complaining the city wasn't doing enough to protect the geese, ducks and swans on the Medi-Park lake, saying that there wasn't nearly as many as there used to be.  Someone said they probably migrated, but I suspect people were catching the ducks and geese and eating them. That reminded me of an old movie: John Goldfarb, Please Come Home! where American oil executives were served peacock tongues at a lavish banquet.

I'm surprised I remembered that
esoteric bit of movie trivia;
what I most remember about the
movie was Shirley MacLaine dressed
in a revealing harem outfit.

I'd hate to think someone had eaten those swans; even if they were stolen and cleaned and cooked, they could have bought quite a few steak dinners selling them for a fraction of what they were worth.

May 30, 2014

Shot At The Night - The Killers

I like The Killers fairly well, but the reason I searched for this video was because I had just watched a great movie, Beneath Hill 60, a story based upon WWI Australian tunnel diggers and I was floored by the beauty of an actress who played one of the minor characters: Bella Heathcote. She is the young woman in this video.

May 15, 2014

The Show - Lenka

I've posted a couple of her songs in here and really like them as well as this one, too.  It's been out for several years and I'm surprised I hadn't seen this video before.

I finally got around to watching Moneyball last night, the story of how Billy Beane turned around a major league baseball team, the Oakland Athletics. Great movie, but there was a scene in the movie where Beane (played by Brad Pitt) is buying a guitar for his young daughter Casey (Kerris Dorsey) and she sits down and sings a little bit of the song for him. The melody is pretty and I felt as though I had heard it before and it didn't take but a few minutes of searching to find that it was originally done by Lenka.

Here's the clip from the movie:

Ms. Dorsey is a cute young woman and I predict she'll have a bright future with her acting career and maybe even singing with a little bit of coaching. What really struck me was how much she resembled a good online friend's daughter - they're not identical twins by any means, but the shape of their faces and their smiles are similar.

I like kids and particularly when they're that age;  they're (usually) still sweet and yet old enough to treat as older and fun to talk to.  I really enjoyed the few scenes with Pitt and Dorsey in them and especially the last scene of the movie, was heart-warming and I felt like shedding a tear when Pitt was tearing up.  Of all the things I regret in this world, especially the things I DIDN'T do, I wish I could have had children. -sigh-

May 11, 2014

Titanic: Rose vs Jack

Funny video on the often annoying habit of screenwriters overusing character's names.

April 29, 2014

Hair - The Cowsills

Today in history: The Broadway musical Hair debuted in 1968; the movie was released in 1979. Several of the soundtrack songs hit the charts; this was the title tune:

March 3, 2014

Dancing in Movies

Movie list in comments - to view list while watching video, click on the title to have it on its own page.

March 2, 2014

And the Oscar goes to...

Me. At least you didn't have to wait around until the end of the show to find out, huh?

You Would Win Best Documentary Feature

You are very curious about and engaged with the world. Everyone is interesting to you.

You have a variety of interests, and you delve into them quite deeply.

People are impressed by the sheer quantity of stuff you know, and you're learning more every day.

However, you're not just informed. You also are very informative. You share what you know in an engaging and interesting way. 


February 20, 2014

A Double-Double Feature

Of 404 pages.

Some of the best 404 "Paqe Not Found" pages I've seen are on IMDb.com. They're cleverly done, with quotes - sometimes paraphrased -  from different movies, a random one each time you click on a broken link. Here are some of the funniest ones: (I kept refreshing the page to get the different ones I particularly liked)

February 18, 2014

Banana & Man

Did you know humans share about 50% of DNA with bananas?

On a related note, I thought about adding several different things to this trivia post; my first thought was to post the dancing banana "Peanut Butter Jelly Time" video, but that was too annoying. You're welcome.  I then thought I might want to post "Venus" by Bananarama, but that doesn't have a thing to do with bananas other than in the group's name...and besides that, I've been planning on doing a post about that cover and the original song.  Then I remembered that a Beetlejuice II movie is in the works, so I settled on this scene from the first movie:

February 14, 2014

Good Movie, Bad Move

From Indiewire, a movie website.

These types of 404 pages are the most annoying to me; why would I want to search for something else if what I wanted to read in the first place wasn't there? 

I'm giving the site a bad review for a bad link!

February 10, 2014

Apocalypse? Not Now!

You Would Survive an Apocalypse

Congratulations! You are one of the few who always has a plan B. And a plan C.

You like to be well prepared in every aspect of your life. You are very responsible and conscientious.

Zombies? Floods? Civilizational collapse? Famine? Killer clowns from outer space? No sweat for you.

People may make fun of how prepared you are, but you know they'll be knocking on your door first when things go down. 

I don't think "very responsible and conscientious" really would apply to me, but...I'm definitely ready for the killer clowns.

February 5, 2014

Best Oscar Movie

With the Oscars coming up, ABC News has come up with an NCAA basketball-type bracket which allows you to rank the best Oscar winners over the past 64 years.

Easy to do; hover over each entry with your cursor to see a synopsis of each movie, then click on one to send it on to the second round. Do one side, then go over to the other. (there will be more of the bracket and you'll need to scroll down to see all the choices)

There were only a few movies I had not seen and coincidentally enough, the very first choice I had to make was between two of them (Argo and The Artist). I went ahead and voted, not only because I had to in order to complete the first round, but I had read enough about both of those movies to make an informed choice.

Other choices were much more difficult to make, because I HAD seen both and loved each but had to make a choice. (such as Patton and Midnight Cowboy) Difficult decisions aside, it was a fun thing to do. The next round will begin Feb. 6th and I'm looking forward to continue voting and to eventually see which movie gets the most votes.

January 21, 2014

We Can Dance

Hollywood Movie Dance Tribute

I recognized or have seen about half the movies w/ scenes in this.  How 'bout you?

Part II

December 9, 2013

Color Change

Did you know the ruby slippers worn by Dorothy in the 1939 movie The Wizard of Oz were originally silver in the book?

November 26, 2013

10 Historical Movie Mistakes

I knew most of these, but the most egregious "mistake" is in U-571.