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June 9, 2010

They Don't Sell Babies

At my local United grocery store.

A funny titled recipe caught my eye at StartSampling.com:

Grilled Baby Burgers

baby on bun

Judge a Book by its Cover

From the site:

Can you tell whether a book is any good from its cover alone? Over 10 rounds, you will be shown two books. One will have a 5 star Amazon rating (from at least 15 reviews, at the time of writing) and one will have only 1 ½ stars or less (from at least 4 reviews)

Click on the book you think got a 5 star review on Amazon, and avoid the one that its readers hated.

I didn't fare too well, but my score of "6" is represented by books with that number in the title!

Judge a Book by its Cover Score

Judge a Book by its Cover


noctivagant \noc-tiv-A-gant\ , adjective;
1. Pertaining to going about in the night; night-wandering.

I'm definitely a noctivagant type of person; I've always preferred the nighttime. It was always easier to find a morning tour job on a drilling rig...not only to find a job (because not many other guys wanted to work that shift), but to find the rigs at night, the derricks lit up like short strands of pearls sticking up into the sky.

The best night shift is during the summer, although it's sometimes hard to get out during the day to enjoy the weather. It's cooler at night which certainly helps when having to work really hard. Winter nights were bad many times, especially during blizzards or wet, windy weather, but there's no better feeling than to be going home after a bad night and it was always a neat thing to be getting off when the rest of the world was going to work.

June 8, 2010

Pampa Tornado

A "bump" - originally posted July '07

It was fifteen years ago today than an F4 tornado devastated part of Pampa

June 7, 2010

Sailing is Awesome

Never been on a sailboat, but I know for sure I'd love it.

You Are Having an Awesome Day

You feel like you are moving forward in your life, but you can handle the changes that are happening.

You are a flexible person. You tend to take life as it comes.

You are prioritizing your individuality right now. You have your own stuff to work on.

Deep down you crave freedom. You feel at peace when you are able to do what you want.

Sailing - Christopher Cross

Persistent Posting Problems

I've been getting an error msg. when trying to post over this last weekend and earlier today. The Blogger Status page said this:

We're aware of isolated access issues in certain regions within the US. We're investigating this now and will follow-up as soon as we have more information to share

Thanks for your patience in the meantime.

It's now got this additional update:

Update, 12:30 PST: This is now fixed.

Cool, not that I was agonizing over it. MSN Groups taught me patience, along with quite a bit of other stuff, some about HTML and a lot about people.

Blogger has so little downtime, I can't remember ever being more than a little bit perturbed with it. I came close earlier when replying to a post and got the error msg., but what I typed went through. I've almost gotten out of the habit of copying any post before I hit send like we had to in Groups. I participate in a few forums that use the IntenseDebate software and they've been buggy at times, so I was still copying my text just in case.

Nice day here, starting to warm up some. I really need to get out and mow later.

Still, before I send: Ctrl-A, then Ctrl-C.