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Showing posts sorted by date for query 404. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query 404. Sort by relevance Show all posts

June 9, 2015

Don't Drop Anything in THAT Box!

Funny...or at least "odd"...404 page graphic at Dropbox.

April 28, 2015

Burrito Bummer

Odd 404 page on Nerdist, found after clicking a link on Wiki about X Company, a new series on CBC.

Now I want to run down to the nearest Allsups and get one of their burritos.  They're not bad...if you drench them in about a half dozen of the little hot sauce packets.  Like their corn dogs, I always ask when they were made (cooked) because if they're more than six/seven hours old, they turn to nasty mush inside.  I've brought corn dogs home that I could drive a nail with.

April 24, 2015

Pandas Don't Eat Pages

Of course you didn't eat the missing page;  from panda.org:

What do pandas eat?

The simple answers is: bamboo. A Panda's daily menu consists almost entirely of the leaves, stems, and shoots of various bamboo species. Bamboo contains very little nutritional value, so pandas must eat 12-38kg every day to meet their energy needs.

404 page found at: boredpanda.com

I'm seldom bored, even with 404 pages.

April 10, 2015

Hot 404

So hot it's starting to smoke.

Found at Guinea Farm.

Smoked guinea fowl...sounds delicious.

March 13, 2015

Totally TV Troubles

I clicked a link in my bookmarks for Couch Tuner, but got this instead:

I know what a 404 Page is and what it means, but thanks for telling me I was totally in the wrong place and that it's been moved.  Still, it seems like "probably" isn't the right word, huh?

March 7, 2015

Wrong Place, Wrong Shirt

First, let me say I usually like to post the link where I found a particular 404 page, but even though I just found this one a couple of days ago, I've already forgotten where it was and I didn't save the URL.  So, I went to TinEye, the image search service, uploaded the image and found 85 matches.  Apparently it's used all over the 'net and not just on the site where I found it. (whatever that was)  I saw it was also used in a progressive political site to disparage "tea baggers".

("tea baggers", the progressive pejorative used for conservatives, not just the ones who adhere to the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party "platform", which is basically lower taxes and smaller govt.  You can count me in as a "tea bagger" then, even though the term first came into being as a homosexual sexual practice.  I'd much rather be gay than a progressive, anyway. It's obvious that progressive political site is run by and frequented by ugly, bitter, man-hating lesbians)

Anyway, I thought this one was clever. (click graphic for larger view)

Yep, I'd say the guy is definitely in the wrong place.  With - or without-  a shirt like that, I'd rather be in Hawaii.

February 15, 2015

Bitly 404 Page

I was trying to view a recipe posted on the Foodgawker Facebook wall, but kept getting a 404 page.  They said they had fixed the link, but didn't.  That's the problem with using these link-shortening services - far too often something happens in the conversion of the link and it's invalid or they make a mistake in copying...either way, it's a broken link.   Here's a screenshot of what I got:

Still, the Bitly 404 page is a pretty cool one - funny and animated, with a seagull flapping its wings, clouds floating across the sky and waves bobbing a dead pufferfish? up and down.  See it for yourself. (put your cursor over the water to make waves-I don't think anything else is interactive)

December 14, 2014

Oops, It's Been Done Again

404 page on zap2it.com. "Oops" seems to be gaining in popularity on these type of pages.  How 'bout "Oops, I'll never visit your website again if you don't fix your broken links!" ?

December 7, 2014

September 1, 2014


Click image for larger view

One of the better 404 pages I've seen, from imgur.  The animal's eyes follow the cursor. (As I've said before, I'm easily entertained)

To be honest, I took a wrong turn before that just by searching for those recently leaked nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence, although I did manage to find 'em.  "Zoinks!" wasn't the word I'd use to describe them, although the sexiest one - IMHO -  wasn't one of the nude photos, but a selfie she'd taken of her in a one-piece swimsuit.

She's not the prettiest woman in Hollywood, nor the most talented, but there's *something* about her that makes her very attractive to me.  I've seen her in interviews and it's obvious she hasn't let her fame go to her head.  She seems personable, sweet and also looks very wholesome and other than this leak of her private photos, has managed to escape scandals and controversy...at least, so far.

Even though my friend Barb is married, I'm almost sure she doesn't think much of Lawrence, being a huge Coldplay fan. (the reason)

(Just joshin' ya, Barb.  Love ya!)

August 17, 2014

Like a Stolling Rone

Maybe it's just me, but this Rolling Stone 404 page message sure sounds strange.

August 1, 2014

Along Came a Spider

From Lockerdome.com

Nothing here?

Sorry, but a spider and its web ain't exactly "nothing".   I shuddered so much when I opened the 404 page the govt. seismograph registered an earthquake here in town. 

I know it's called the "world wide web" but I didn't think it would be one literally.

June 14, 2014

Broken Blade of Grass

404 page at designboom, a broken blade of grass amongst all the rest. Not as visually stunning or funny as most of the rest I've posted, but I like the analogy.

Not so crazy about the spelling, though: "...thousands of articles to look trough here"?

May 8, 2014

Out of this World Error

Not a 404 page, but one of the better ones I've seen lately.  (and I've been getting a lot of them lately) This one was on Livestream for the Grit chick cam, but when I tried again later, I got the link I intended to visit.

The cool thing about this one was it was interactive; move the cursor and the planet and cloud moved, too.

May 6, 2014

Google Error

Not a 404 page, but the link was bad. Not sure why that was, the explanation didn't make much sense; it was at the top of the results on their own search engine, so....

The broken robot reminded me of the one in MSN Groups.  I used to have all of those animations such as the conveyor belt while the file was uploading (and there were some clever animations made from that one) and the shuttered groups graphic.  I lost them all in a hard drive failure of one of my first computers.

April 16, 2014

Sorry About That

Technically not a 404 page, but these are really annoying when they're in my YouTube feed.

April 1, 2014

Misfire on Angelfire

OK, it's not technically a 404 page, but is instead a 410 error...but I'd argue that they're basically the same thing in as what you're looking for isn't there. This was what I got when going through some old bookmarks that I had saved to make a post about, but darned if I can remember what there was about it I thought would be worthwhile to share with my loyal readers. Oh well, whatever it was, I'm sure it wasn't THAT great or I'd have already written about it.

Click image for larger view.

Strange graphic, huh? The kid's balloon has crashed in a lovely little field, just barely missing a sheep. (or maybe the sheep was thrown clear in the crash?) I wonder why the penguin was along for the ride.  I don't know why the balloon fell to earth, but I suspect it had something to do with the little ET inside the balloon and his wrecked spaceship.

I signed up for an Angelfire space around the same time I did for this Blogger blog, but I went ahead with Blogger.  I kept signing into my Angelfire acct. however, just in case, but not long afterwards I got an email saying many of the features would be available only with a paid subscription.  No thanks. I didn't want to use the free version, so....

March 30, 2014

Delete the Tweet

I have a Twitter account - the second one I've had.  I rarely tweeted and seldom signed in on the first one and it's about the same for the present one.  The one I have now has a fake name, just in case I want to fire back at someone who tweets something offensive. 

It's been a couple of years (so the exact details are a little hazy) but I followed a re-tweet by someone I was following and the woman - some minor celeb. who happened to be black - had posted a lot of (other) nasty racist comments, but the one that bothered me was her saying "White women prefer black men!"  I usually just ignore things like that, but couldn't help myself and replied "That might be true, but if it is, it might also mean black men prefer white women."  I got a BUNCH of replies to that, so many that I just canceled the account.  Many were death threats or at the least, promising violence.  Since I had used my "real name", I thought it for the best, even though I doubted anyone would actually follow through on them.  If someone showed up at my door, angry over something I had posted on Twitter, then they might have had a rude awakening...or a quick death.

Anyway...I was reading a sports article the other day and a link was left to a specific tweet, but it had been deleted by the time I clicked on it.  Here's the Twitter 404 message:

March 27, 2014


404 page from a site I subscribe to in my reader, English Russia.  I generally enjoy the site, a glimpse into many facets of Russia, not only in present time, but also with old photos of the country (or rather, the Soviet Union) during WWII and after.

I did learn my lesson after once commenting on an article;  I had used my Gmail address and within a few hours there were several attempts to hack into it.  They didn't have any success, so I'm grateful my account wasn't invaded like the Russkies did the Crimea.  (The site's owner is overtly supportive of the takeover.)

смущающий - embarrassing in Russian

March 23, 2014

Empty Plate

404 page I got after clicking on a link for Sriracha marinade on Bon Appétit.

Click graphic for larger view.