Welcome to ToTG!

February 22, 2009

I'm an "F" Word

You Are Factual

You are highly intelligent, especially in areas that deal with concrete knowledge and facts.

You are amazingly analytical. You can make sense of chaos without involving your emotions.

If anything, you tend to be overly logical. It's sometimes hard for you to come to a decision, because you're too busy weighing all the options.

People turn to you in times of trouble. They know that they can trust you to give good, well thought out advice.


The Local Malcontent said...

"F" is a good letter.
Sometimes, it is spelled "Ph".

The Local Malcontent said...

I am going to add TOPG to my homepage reader, Mike.

Mike said...

You're too phunny, Mal. -grin-

Thanks, every link helps! I was checking who links to this blog and I don't have too many. OTOH, I just do this for my own grins, y'know, but it does help knowing some folks read it.

At least those who aren't looking for gay dwarfs or sister's feet fetishists. lol