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July 13, 2009


sartorial\sar-TOR-ee-uhl\ , adjective:
1. Of or relating to a tailor or to tailoring.
2. Of or relating to clothing, or style or manner of dress.
3. [Anatomy] Of or relating to the sartorius muscle.

I've been accused of many things, but having a sartorial sense of dress hasn't been one of them.

Reminds me of a joke:

A Texan went to the doctor because of some "problems" at home. After seeing the doctor, he purchased a tuxedo and wore it home.

"What did the doctor say?" asked his wife, eyeing his unusual attire.

"Doc said I was impotent." the man announced.

"Then why are you wearing that tuxedo?" cried his wife.

Her husband replied "If the doc says I be impotent, I'm gonna dress impotent."

Sharp Dressed Man - ZZ Top


sharintexas said...

This song reminds me of the "all male reviews" I've been to. They used to always play this song as the dancers (strippers) came out on the stage. Those were the good old days! LOL!!

Mike said...

Surely you didn't go to that horrible events, sis! -big grin-

I never cared for strip joints, they were vastly over-priced on admission and drinks and were tawdry. Guess it was the prude in me, but it just felt sad and I wanted to take the girls home with me because I didn't like seeing them debase myself.

Yeah, take them home where they'd steal me blind, betcha.

I got some complimentary tickets for Julie and her roommate Paula to go to one that was put on here. Before they left, I gave Julie ten bucks in singles so she could stick them in the guy's g-strings. She said she'd NEVER have the nerve to do something like that, but took the money saying she'd have a couple of drinks on me.

Later, when they got home, I went over and asked how they liked it. Julie sniffed and said it wasn't such a big deal, but Paula said Julie was elbowing the other women out of the way so she could stick the singles in the guy's crotches. Julie then said Paula had spent her share of the rent money doing the same thing.


Mike said...

"those" events, sheesh.