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January 21, 2013

Scot Marriage Proposal


Mike said...

I pondered using "Scottish" for a while, then remembered a post by someone from Scotland back in MSN Groups who said "Scot" is preferred over "Scottish". I just looked it up and that seems to be the consensus in the articles I hastily read.

I probably should have just used "Best Marriage Proposal" as the video was titled at YT. Whatever, it's darn funny!

The Local Malcontent said...

Second that! FUNNY

Mike said...

Just last night I watched Larry the Cable Guy talk about prostate exams. My pop used to recount his own exams, calling them "the ol' finger wave" and he'd have me laughing and in tears. He'd say "It's not funny!" and that would make me laugh even harder.

Hope you're doing all right, haven't had a post from your blog hit my reader in a while.

The Local Malcontent said...

I'm feeling Ok, just tired all the time; like being at 40% instead of 100%. Did Larry TCG talk about the bane of prostate problems, the N-continence thingy?? NOT funny when, every 7 minutes, it's the end of the world if a bathroom isn't near.

Uh, I'll let you know a little secret: Try looking here:


The political blogging was giving me high blood pressure, to say the least... so I said goodbye to that side.

Mike said...

Just happened to check my email before getting offline for the night and noticed this reply.

No, Larry didn't mention any of that. I like his "America" show, but his humor is hit-or-miss with me.

"Funny" how things are funny...until they affect us personally. After my mom died, I was particularly sensitive to "dead" jokes or ones about mothers. One time in a political forum, some a-hole made a comment about mine and if I could've, I would have reached through the monitor and choked the life out of him.

I was a little worried about my own prostate over the last few days, had some symptoms - the frequent urination, for one - that alarmed me. Of course, high blood sugar can cause that too, and I haven't been eating well. I could have just had a minor bladder infection, too, or passing some tiny kidney stones. All is well today, but I might need to go see a dr. if the symptoms come back.

I'll go check out your blog and subscribe to it. I'm like you, the politics were getting to me. I unsubscribed to nearly all my political news feeds and dropped a conservative site earlier today because they were a little too "into" some conspiracy theories, esp. about the Masonic Lodge.

Thanks for posting!