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June 5, 2010

Go For Launch!

Space shuttle Discovery gets prepped for flight—in just under four minutes.

June 3, 2010

Boxers Don't Cry

I think boxers are the greatest athletes in all sports for the simple fact that they don't cry. That is mind-blowing. Have you ever been punched in the nose? Oh my gosh, it hurts so bad. They have to go back to corner, where some little man yells at them. 'Shut up, I just got punched in the face!'... If I was a boxer, do you know who I would hire as my corner man? My mom.

- Daniel Tosh

Beatle Bashes Bush

via Big Hollywood:

Classless Paul McCartney Trashes Bush In Front of Obama at White House

From the article

The Brits, as we all know, have a thing about “class.” For example, your accent not only denotes what part of the country from which you hail, but whether you are “working class,” “middle class,” or “nobility” and all things in between. And if you have the “wrong” accent, good luck getting accepted into certain circles.

For someone who comes from a nation that’s still so hung up on class, Paul McCartney recently demonstrated that he has none.

McCartney – excuse me, Sir Paul McCartney, obviously a classy guy – was in the East Room at the White House, receiving the Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song. Despite the non-political nature of the event, which featured McCartney himself and other musicians performing his songs in front of a select audience (including the President and First Lady), somehow Paul couldn’t hold back a snarky remark about Obama’s predecessor:

“After the last eight years, it’s great to have a president who knows what a library is.”


What the heck, here's the rest, unethically stretching the "Fair Use" allowance, but it says exactly how I feel:

Here you are, invited to the United States to receive a prestigious award from the Library of Congress in the White House, the most celebrated address in America no matter who resides there. Bush was not your president then, just as Obama is not your president now. You’re just a visitor. And yet you, the guest of honor at a very swank party, have to mar the event with a tacky insult aimed at a man who is no longer calling the shots but is now a private citizen minding his own business. You also feel the need to tell the current president’s critics that Obama’s a great guy and you’re a huge fan, so “lay off.”

I’ll bet you were a brown noser in school too.

Just imagine an American singer or actor being similarly honored in your country and making such a remark at an event sponsored by David Cameron about either Gordon Brown or Tony Blair. The press there would rightly have a field day dragging said celeb over the coals.

By the way, you might want to try reading some of the same books as Bush has, rather than Obama’s biography, which was written before he’d even done anything worth writing about other than singing his own praises.

I find it amusing that Bush is widely known to be a dummy by celebrities like you, many of whom have not gone on to higher education themselves, but have decided to become musicians, actors, and so on. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Not going to college isn’t necessarily a sign of lack of intelligence, just as getting that degree doesn’t necessarily mean one is a genius.

But since you seem so eager to portray Obama as one of the greatest minds of our time, perhaps you could use some of your clout as a world renowned musician to get his college transcripts released so that the rest of us can bask in the rainbow glow of righteousness right along with you. After all, look how well the mantle of brilliance worked out for John Kerry.

Look, you don’t like George Bush. I get it. And never would I suggest that your right to speak your mind be taken away – part of the reason America sought to get away from the “mother country” was indeed about the tendency of the Crown to try to silence its critics. Yet because you think Obama is a “great guy,” you feel the need to tell the rest of us to “lay off” the poor sod as you continue to “lay into” the guy who isn’t even president anymore. Free speech is a two-way street, baby.

To quote Bugs Bunny: what a maroon.

Ditto from me, Sir (said with the same sneer as "cur")Paul. This hurts me because I've always been a huge fan as well as an unabashed Anglophile. Now I regret all the money I've ever spent to help line your pockets. (well, yours and your ex-wife's -snicker- ) I still love your music, but it will be hard for me to listen to it from now on thinking of the dumbass thing you said. Makes me wish I'd have stolen the tunes, instead.

Edit to add: I posted this shortly after seeing it pop up in my reader; there are now two pages of comments, many of them - like me - disappointed in McCartney's comment. Some others are more vicious...but funny.


From our Word of the Day feed:

swain \SWEYN\ , noun;

1. A male admirer or lover.
2. A country lad.
3. A country gallant

I sometimes wish I were a swain, although I'm glad I don't have one. That'd just be one more complicated problem in my life.

Dogs and Car Windows

This and other funny photos of dogs and car windows at Offbeat Earth

Are You Who, What, Where, or Why?

You Are Who

You are a very social person, and you are happiest when you're surrounded by a big group of friends.

You're interested in people, and you always want to hear about what's going on in someone else's life.

You are friendly and optimistic. People inspire you, and they rarely get under your skin.

You believe that you can learn from each person. You listen carefully to learn what people have to teach you.

Who Are You? - The Who

June 1, 2010

Bring the Boys Home - Freda Payne

Angry Owls

A little creepy.

WARNING!!! You might want to turn your sound down before clicking the "start" button.

I Hope Not "Real" Calm

as in "dead calm".

Your Life Will Be Calm in Ten Years

You're the type of person who takes things as they come, and you do your best not to worry.

You know that there's a lot in this world that you can't change - and you're not about to try to change it.

You are confident and content. You don't feel like you need to push too hard.

Try to break out of your comfort zone every now and then, though. Have an adventure! You are risking complacency.

Stellar Shrapnel

From NASA's Image of the Day Gallery

This composite image shows N49, the aftermath of a supernova explosion in the Large Magellanic Cloud. A new long observation from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory reveals evidence for a bullet-shaped object being blown out of debris field left over from an exploded star.

In order to detect this bullet, researchers used Chandra to observe N49 for more than 30 hours. Using the new Chandra data, the age of N49 -- as it appears in the image -- is thought to be about 5,000 years and the energy of the explosion is estimated to be about twice that of an average supernova. These preliminary results suggest that the original explosion was caused by the collapse of a massive star.

Image Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Penn State/S. Park et al.
Optical: NASA/STScI/UIUC/Y.H. Chu & R. Williams et al.


oleaginous\oh-lee-AJ-uh-nuhs\ , adjective;
1. Having the nature or qualities of oil.
2. Containing oil.
3. Producing oil.
4. Unctuous; fawning; smarmy.

The first three definitions could describe the Gulf of Mexico. The last one could describe the President as he bowed before the Saudis a few months ago.

Excuse me while I get on the soapbox. I was dismayed to see Obama bow to the Saudi king, but have been more so to see the US grovel before them each time we buy a bbl. of oil from the Middle East.

I think Bush was wrong to invade Iraq, at least when he did. No, we should've invaded the REAL source of terrorism (esp. that of the 9/11 attacks), Saudia Arabia. We should have invaded and captured Mecca, then set off a "hog bomb" - tons and tons of bacon fat- right in the middle of their "sacred site".

May 30, 2010

Free Fallin' - John Mayer

Great cover of the Tom Petty tune

The Taco Test

Another quiz, because it was my birthday yesterday and I'm feeling lazy this Sunday

You Are Hilarious

You are light hearted and fun loving. You look forward to each new day.

You are easy going and happy. You enjoy everything in life.

You are a person of strong taste. You are adventurous in what you like.

No one would describe you as hot-headed. You maintain your cool no matter what.

This really wasn't fair; in the last question,

"What extra would you like with your taco?"

The choices were: Guacamole, Queso or Sour Cream. I chose sour cream, but I'd like all three on my taco, plus shredded lettuce and a few bits of tomato and onion. I think of a taco as a "Mexican hamburger".

I chose chicken for my taco, but would settle for any of the other choices, although I've never had a fish taco. I've never seen them offered anywhere around here.

May 29, 2010

My Birthday's Color

Your Birthday is Purple

You are the independent type. It's hard for people to peg, label, or stereotype you.

You enjoy people and things from all walks of life. You're incredibly open minded.

You tend to be a bit fickle and even moody. You can end up hating what you love and vice versa.

Your preferences and actions can be a bit mysterious at times. It's hard to predict what you'll do.

May 28, 2010



1. Light, airy, or tenuous.
2. Extremely delicate or refined.
3. Heavenly or celestial.
4. Pertaining to the upper regions of space.
5. Chemistry. Pertaining to, containing, or resembling ethyl ether.

The first four definitions of ethereal are the most common; I've seen the word used in all sorts of writing subjects - sci-fi, angels, anti-bellum, etc., but the last one brought back a hazy memory of my dad taking one of his work boots, spraying a rag with starting fluid (ether) and sticking it into the boot. He then took a young male cat (and I can't remember which one, was a LONG time ago), stuck his head in the boot and when the kitty quit kicking, pop quickly castrated it.

I've never done it, but I expect castrating a cat is much like castrating a pig...well, except for the teeth and claws bit, hence the boot and anesthesia, crude as it might have been. I once tried to give a cat a bath because of accidentally dousing it with naptha. I'm not for sure which had more slash marks when I was done, me or the shower curtain.

My dad and I castrated a large boar for a neighboring farmer; the hog was so big we had to put it in a cattle chute to control the animal. (The hog was large enough to put a saddle on! ) I can't recall how many times my dad had to stop and sharpen his knife while performing the surgery, but it was quite a few. and when trying to finish up each testicle, the ol' boar would tug of war the flesh away from dad in one final but futile attempt to retain his masculinity.

The "pig fries" were large enough to fillet and would have covered a fair-sized dinner plate - that is, if one were inclined to eat that. I've had pig testicles before and they were a bit gamey. My dad always said a good brining would take that gaminess out, but we never ate them again.

The hog later died, but it wasn't from our surgery; it got locked out away from water.

I bet I've castrated quite a few dozens of pigs, but it's been a long time. I've also milked a goat, but there's not any funny stories about that, just a few memories of squirting the milk at our cats and dogs.

Another animal story, then I'll stop, I promise.

We used to have huge toads around our house. We always kept large vats or buckets of water in the yard for our pets and the toads could be seen there during the day, nestled in amongst the cool damp earth and tall grass around the hydrants. At night time they would come into the garage where sometimes dad and I might be doing something, working on some project.

I expect they liked the cool cement floor during those hot summer nights, but they really liked to nab the june bugs and moths that would be attracted to the lights and would often hit the floor. The big ol' toads would be sitting there, sometimes three or four of them, sometimes only one, waiting on the bugs. A june bug could hit, lie on its back -stunned a bit, probably- and the toad would turn like a tank on treads, take a deliberate hop towards the struggling insect, perhaps another short hop to close the distance- then rocking delicately forward and with a flick of the tongue so fast it was hard to see, the toad would bring the bug into its mouth.

We had one toad dad was very fond of. Pop was welding something one time, and not knowing the frog was near his feet, dropped the stub of a super-hot welding rod on the frog's back. It scarred the frog, (like a distinctive mark, I'm sure it scared it some, and probably hurt like a mother, too, wouldn't you think?) but it lived, prospered and grew huge and kept coming back into the garage for several summers after that. Dad and I once fed the creature several dozen june bugs; so many that we could feel them crawling around in the toad's belly. The ol' toad stayed there in one spot, all that night and most of the next day, too stuffed to move.

Y'know, come to think of it, my stories like this certainly aren't ethereal by any stretch, 'cept for the starting fluid bit.

Don't Ask, Don't Tell

This just popped up in my reader:

Ron Paul, three Texas Democrats buck parties on gays in military

It caught my eye because Ron Paul was mentioned in the title, but also because of the "DADT" policy that's been in place since the Clinton administration. I didn't agree with the previous policy of banning gays outright and I didn't agree with the DADT policy either. There should be no "policy" at all in regards to gays in the military. (and without researching it, I would wager that's Ron Paul's stance, too.)

Granted, the military is a special case and civilian laws don't always apply, but this is more of a human rights specific case. Isn't "all men are created equal" one of the tenets of our society?

Also, I've seen argued that unit cohesion and effectiveness would be damaged with the overt inclusion of gays. I wonder how "covert" inclusion was any different? I'd think that in most cases, people wouldn't know others are gay unless they were told by the gay person. Contrary to TV and movie stereotyping (and some by gays themselves), all gays don't lisp when they talk nor mince when they walk. Sheesh. I've known gay guys who were more "manly" than were some of my hetero friends. (I've also known some lesbians who were more manly than ME, but that's another story)

It also seems a shame to waste talent and manpower (or womanpower, to be fair -grin-) Not all, but many of the gay folks I know are smart, creative and hard-working - good qualities to possess for the military (or for civilian life). I never was in the military, but I was and still am a good shot. I also like to think I'm fairly courageous, semi-smart, and, in my youth, quite physically fit - good soldier material.

That doesn't mean I would've been a good soldier. No, I can also type like a big dog and I expect it's easier to find someone to pull a trigger than it is to type and file the morning report.

In other words, if I had been drafted or joined the military, I'd have probably been some colonel's clerk. And I'm not gay.

What I'm trying to say is it's silly to stereotype all gays into the "gawking, lecher" type that would destroy a platoon of fighting men. Plus, I would think it would be easier for heterosexuals to accept a fellow fighting man in the unit than it would be to include females.

(and I'll admit I don't think women in direct combat units is a good idea. Pilots of fighter planes, captains of warships, etc., sure, but not fighting alongside of men. )

Plus, there are military regulations that severely curtail interpersonal relationships between people in the service. A captain can not have a personal relationship with a private...even if they are of opposite sex. I don't understand why these rules can't simply apply to all in the military. Catch two gays in a compromising position? Drum them out, same as would/should happen with an opposite-sex couple.

Off the soapbox; I'm prejudiced in many ways, but this "gays in the military" controversy has always bothered me...not just because the policy is wrong, but because we feel the need to have a policy at all.

On a related, local note: Our own Mac Thornberry voted against the bill. While I very, very seldom vote Democrat, in this next election I will have to do as I've done the last few elections and either vote Libertarian for the office, or leave all boxes unchecked. He's been in office since '95. I won't criticize his record here, but it's my opinion he's been in there long enough.


Texas lawmakers explain why they bucked their parties on vote

Rep Ron Paul,
R-Lake Jackson

Paul, the maverick libertarian, ditched his Republican comrades and voted for the repeal.

"I have received several calls and visits from constituents who, in spite of the heavy investment in their training, have been forced out of the military simply because they were discovered to be homosexual," Paul said.

"To me, this seems like an awful waste. Personal behavior that is disruptive should be subject to military discipline regardless of whether the individual is heterosexual or homosexual. But to discharge an otherwise well-trained, professional, and highly skilled member of the military for these reasons is unfortunate and makes no financial sense."

Them's my sentiments, 'zactly. Thank you Dr. Paul.

May 27, 2010


waxing\WAK-sing\ , verb;
1. To increase in extent, quantity, intensity or power.
2. (Of the moon) to increase in the extent of its illuminated portion before the full moon.
3. To grow or become.

The moon has been waxing full over the last couple of weeks and we're now in a full moon. I might need to howl tonight. (Correction, the full moon is Saturday night, my birthday as it happens. I probably won't howl, though.)

The way I tell if the moon is waxing or waning is to see how the moon's "shape" corresponds to the letters "D - O - C" If the moon looks like a filled in "D", then the moon is waxing or coming full. When it looks like the letter "C", then the moon is waning.

(If someone tells you it's waning, they might not be talking about the moon. It could very well be Elmer Fudd caught in a thunderstorm)

The procedure is reversed if you're in the Southern Hemisphere; the letters are "C-O-D". This is better explained at Moon Phases - Names and images of the 8 phases of the moon

I wanted to include a moon widget, but the darned thing takes over the entire post and "wraps itself" around my comments. I signed up at the site to get the code, but then had to jump through hoops to find it. I also wanted to nab the code for the image (and not javascript) version, but it never let me sign in. Oh well. Life's too short to waste time on such crapola.

The old reliable Wunderground still offers up all sorts of stickies for your blog or website, including this moon graphic:

Click for Pampa, Texas Forecast

This'll Be a Good Buddy Day

From Texas on the Potomac

On this date in 1957, Buddy Holly, the first rocker to actually go on stage wearing horn-rimmed spectacles, and his band, The Crickets, released their first single, That'll Be the Day on Brunswick Records, a recording label specializing in jazz and rhythm and blues sounds.

That'll Be The Day - Buddy Holly And The Crickets (Ed Sullivan Show '57)

Wiki entry: Buddy Holly

May 26, 2010

May 25, 2010


shivaree\SHIV-uh-ree\ ,
1. A mock serenade with kettles, pans, horns, and other noisemakers given for a newly married couple.
2. An elaborate, noisy celebration.
1. To serenade with a shivaree.

Pretty cool word and I knew it, probably from some old Waltons episode, or maybe Andy Griffith.

(And, after I wrote that last bit, I went to Wiki and saw it was indeed in an early episode of The Waltons and the term was also used in the musical Oklahoma.

I could insert a YT vid of The Waltons here, but I think instead I'll post this one

Goodnight Moon - Shivaree

Sybil Does Career Day

Sybil from 105.3 The Fan in Dallas talks about career day

She's adorable, that's the only reason I posted it.

May 24, 2010

Sudden Weather

According to the radar, this line of storms that just popped up is heading nearly due north, which would put it to the west of me (white dot) Most disturbing is the pink part of the storm near the very end of it with what might be a hook from rotation.

I can hear the thunder and feel the gusts of wind which are coming from the front. If the storm decides to head just a little bit to the east, it might mean some severe weather for my vicinity.

It's getting closer and I may very well shut down this computer, even unplug the TV. Sometimes these storms are not only dangerous, but a major PITA.

Before I close, I want to add that I can feel the pressure as it increased, and now it's fallen a substantial amt. (not sure where the barometer is) It's gotten cooler and is very dark outside and very still, much diff. than earlier. More thunder rolls across the sky...


adumbrate \a-DUHM-breyt\ , verb;
1. To foreshadow; prefigure.
2. To produce a faint image or resemblance of; to outline or sketch.
3. To darken or conceal partially; overshadow.

I remember this word from the uproar over O.J.‘s Darkened Mug Shot and how it left Time magazine with egg on its face.

May 22, 2010


From the Word of the Day

suspire \suh-SPAHY-uhr\ ,
–verb (used without object)
1. to sigh.
2. to breathe.
–verb (used with object)
3. to sigh; utter with long, sighing breaths.

"And from that one intake of fire
All creatures still warmly suspire"
- Robert Frost

Storm Chasing with the Taylors!

With Reed and Chris in Mississippi having the Dominator outfitted with scientific instrumentation, Joel headed out with his storm chasing dad Jimmy to document the moderate and high risk set-ups. On May 18 they observed several tornadoes in the Texas Panhandle, near Dumas and Stinnett. The next day was a high risk, and they caught a rain-wrapped wedge near Loyal, Oklahoma!

Dominator Air Cannon Test

Looks like they'll work fine, if they're extremely close to a tornado. One parachute looked to me as though it was high enough to be caught up in wind, not so sure about a couple of 'em.

It seems to me as though they need some sort of spring loaded gadget to open the parachute, one that wouldn't trip with the G-force of going up, but rather trip on the way down. Perhaps something like an half -sized umbrella mechanism that could lock in place, seems like that would make an excellent sail. The trigger could be something like a ball bearing in a long narrow race, much like an umbrella handle; when the ball bearing, forced to the top of the race during the force of the ejection, fell down - from gravity - it would trigger the spring that would cause the mini-umbrella/parasail to fully open.

Not sure on the physics of my ball bearing gizmo, but it also seems to me that since you're shifting mass in the projectile to the top of the parachute device, you'd also gain some momentum, perhaps even some altitude in the parachute shot. It wouldn't have to be a great deal of mass, just an oz. or so would help and not hurt.

Probably been better to have diagrammed it. Just got inspired after watching the vid.

May 21, 2010

Clocks - Coldplay

Dedicated to my pal, Barb.

She heard me singing this tune in other words.

The lights go out and I can't be saved
Tides that I tried to swim against
Have brought me down upon my knees
Oh I beg, I beg and plead

Ran across this post and noticed original vid was kaput. Figgered this Yahoo one will last a while, nice live version and figgered someone else might want to listen to it again, hence the "bump" from 7/3/07.

Come to the USA - Ray Stevens

May 20, 2010

Zach Thomas Retires

Retiring as a Dolphin

An Amarillo radio station has been playing some ads of Thomas' "Zach's Club 54" gym, saying they're re-opening after a million dollar overhaul. I hope he makes a ton of money and wish him nothing but the best.

Thomas as a Cowboy

Zach Thomas

And, if you didn't know, Zach's father built the Groom Cross/Cross of Our Lord.

Gulf Oil Leak

From a couple of days ago; BP has promised to post a live feed of the leak, but a cursory search has found nothing so far.

The streaming video is "supposed" to be on the Energy and Commerce Committe site.

May 19, 2010

Aussie Animal Quiz

You Are a Crocodile

You are fierce and strong. You go after any prey that is in your sights.

You have a take charge personality, and you are quite dominant. You are not easily intimidated.

It's likely that you've had to struggle for survival in your life. You've had to develop a very thick skin.

You can be brutal, but you can also be tender. You tend to have two sides to your personality.

I could agree with the analysis results, even if they're a bit harsh... although I think I'd rather have been something else, a koala or even a kangaroo. Crocodiles make me shudder a little when I think of them, just like I do with snakes and spiders. Ugh.

Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport-Rolf Harris

Eric Hoffer

From today's Brainy Quotes feed:

We lie loudest when we lie to ourselves.
Eric Hoffer

The name seemed vaguely familiar, so I had to do a Google Search

Eric Hoffer
(July 25, 1902 – May 21, 1983)
was an American social writer and philosopher. He produced ten books and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in February 1983 by President of the United States Ronald Reagan. His first book, The True Believer, published in 1951, was widely recognized as a classic, receiving critical acclaim from both scholars and laymen, although Hoffer believed that his book The Ordeal of Change was his finest work.

Though Hoffer did not identify with "liberal intellectuals" and often criticized the radical ideology of many activists of the New Left, it would be wrong to characterize Hoffer's thinking as being "conservative."

Hoffer is referred to as a "longshoreman philosopher".

Many of his quotes are profound and possess a dagger of truth, especially this one:

"A dissenting minority feels free only when it can impose its will on the majority: what it abominates most is the dissent of the majority."

Eric Hoffer in Wikiquote

I'm off to the library to see if they have any of his published works. From what I can see from my cursory search, I agree with many of his viewpoints.

Poised for Success

From NASA's Image of the Day Gallery

Anchored to the Canadarm2 mobile foot restraint, Garrett Reisman performed construction and maintenance activities outside the station during the STS-132 mission's first spacewalk. During the seven-hour, 25-minute spacewalk, Reisman and NASA astronaut Steve Bowen installed a second antenna for high-speed Ku-band transmissions and added a spare parts platform to Dextre, a two-armed extension for the station’s robotic arm.

Image Credit: NASA

This is such a great website not only for excellent wallpaper, but to keep up with the daily activity at the space station. This is, I believe, the last mission for the shuttle Atlantis, and the next few flights will also see the retirement of the rest of fleet.

I am extremely apprehensive about the future of US space endeavors. We misuse our national resources in so many ways, but the space program is - for the very most part - money well spent.


habitué\huh-BICH-oo-ey\ , noun;
1. One who frequents a particular place, especially a place offering a specific pleasurable activity.

I am familiar with this word, although it's not one I often use. Reading the definition, I thought "that describes my loyal readers of this blog!" but then I saw the rest: "... especially a place offering a specific pleasurable activity." No, I don't think it's pleasure they're seeking here, but it's more like a train wreck - a horrible sight, but they just can't tear their eyes away.

May 18, 2010

"Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind."

- George Orwell

Tornado Watch

Tornado Watch for Gray County, TX

Amarillo Radar Base Reflectivity

YouTube Recommends

Cast Away is one of my favorite movies, and this blog is at the top or very nearly so in searches for the flick (well, at least for the scenes that were filmed near here) , but I think YT is overestimating my interest in the movie:

(click for larger view)


tipple \TIP-uhl\ ,
1. To drink intoxicating liquor, esp. habitually or to some excess.
2. To drink (intoxicating liquor), esp. repeatedly, in small quantities.
1. Intoxicating liquor.
2. A device that tilts or overturns a freight car to dump its contents.

I always thought this word applied to drinking, but I figured it was from what a person does after drinking.

At least, it's what I do. Sometimes, after drinking, I also dump my contents.

If I Swam Very Fast....

I'd probably have a stroke.

You Are the Breaststroke

You are a happy and content person. You try to enjoy every day and every moment to the fullest.

You don't push yourself too hard, but you do try to stay consistent.

Slow and steady does win the race, and because of this, you're miles ahead of everyone else.

You live mindfully and intentionally. You take every decision seriously.

I don't think Billy Squier was singing about swimming in this tune

The Stroke - Billy Squier

May 17, 2010

A Simple Solution

To help clean up the oil spill.

For several decades, I've thought this method could be a help for offshore oil spills. As the man says in the vid, I've also thought the oil-soaked hay could be burned or "squeezed" to get the oil out and reprocessed. I've also wondered if cottonseed hulls or even cotton could be used in much the same manner.

The sad fact is that oil spills will most likely happen again in the future, although I hope and pray something like this latest catastrophe could be avoided or mitigated. Another fact is we NEED this oil; offshore drilling accounts for a large percentage of our total domestic production.


majuscule \MAJ-uh-skyool\ , adjective;
1. Of letters written either as capitals or uncials.
1. A large letter, either capital or uncial, used in writing or printing.

Today's word and a word in its definition -uncial - make it a "twofer". I was unfamilar with both words and seriously doubt I'll have or need the use of either any time in the future.

uncial un·ci·al uhn-shee-uhl, -shuhl
1. designating, written in, or pertaining to a form of majuscule writing having a curved or rounded shape and used chiefly in Greek and Latin manuscripts from about the 3rd to the 9th century a.d.
2. an uncial letter.
3. uncial writing.
4. a manuscript written in uncials.

May 15, 2010

Armed Services Day

Armed Services Day

I know the above poster/graphic is old, but I liked it.

Support Our Troops!


From the Word of the Day

sawyer \SAW-yer\ , noun;
1. One that is employed in sawing wood.
2. Also called sawyer beetle. Any of several long-horned beetles, esp. one of the genus Monochamus, the larvae of which bore in the wood of coniferous trees.
3. A tree or a part of a tree that protrudes above the surface in a body of water.

I've never known a sawyer, but I've sawed wood, both literally and in the slang sense. I've read Tom Sawyer several times. I did know a guy named Sawyer, a drug dealer who lived a few blocks away. (I didn't purchase drugs from him, but it's a small town, that's how I knew) He made two mistakes; one was in selling drugs and the other was selling drugs within a block of an elementary school. The house is now occupied by a Pampa police officer.

Doing some online research, I found no mention of his conviction, so I can't say for certain that he was arrested, only my fuzzy memory seems to recall that he was and the charges were enhanced by the school's proximity. I also remember something about how the raid found a cache of arms and ammunition, along with listening equipment and low-light vision devices. Paranoia will destroy ya, so will hard drugs.

The guy was mentioned in this 2005 forum as being a suspect in a quadruple murder but the murderer was convicted was found and is in prison. Searching some more, I found an obit of Sawyer from '06 which means he isn't this NORML lawyer of the same name.

It's a shame, because now when I hear the following tune, I think of that guy instead of Mark Twain's book.

Tom Sawyer - Rush

Pampa's New Heliport

Pampa LifeStar heliport will be a 'lifesaver'

Several dozen people braved the weather Friday to break ground on the newest medical addition in Gray County that's being touted as a lifesaver.

Dr. James Hall, president of the Emergency Services Foundation of Texas, the parent company of Pampa EMS, said the $550,000 Gray County Heliport Facility to be built near the Pampa Regional Medical Center will house the LifeStar ambulance helicopter that now serves the eastern Texas Panhandle.

Two LifeStar helicopters serve the top 26 counties of the Texas Panhandle, the Oklahoma Panhandle, eastern New Mexico and the very southeastern part of Colorado. Last year, local LifeStar helicopters made about 896 flights, said Stewart Jackson, assistant director of LifeStar.

The majority of the heliport project, or $500,000, will be funded by the Texas Department of Transportation's aviation division thanks to a measure added to the state's general appropriation bill by state Rep. Warren Chisum. It gave Gray County the money to build the 8,000-square-foot facility at the hospital. Roughly $56,000 will have be funded locally as part of the grant stipulations, said Karon Wiedemann, director of grant management for TxDOT's aviation division.

Read the rest at Amarillo.com

May 13, 2010


From the Word of the Day

afterclap\AF-ter-klap\ , noun;
1. An unexpected, often unpleasant sequel to a matter that had been considered closed.

This word could make a vulgar joke that could apply to the definition, but....

Stuck Baby

May 12, 2010

Smiley Bebe

We used to have a part Chihuahua that would smile like this. Her name was Tina and she was also part terrier, as I recall. I remember she and I both getting in trouble for rolling in the dirt. (Hey, she was doing it and looked like she was havin' fun!)

She used to go with us on vacations and one summer - for whatever reason - she was left home. (Dad's relief for his vacation was going to feed and water her) I remember her being so upset and trying to follow us. When we got home, she was gone. We figured a coyote had got her, but quite some time later she was found with some people down in Miami. They had found her by the side of the road, several miles from our house. A friend of the family had seen Tina at a neighbor's house and told my folks. Long story short, Tina was thrilled to see us.

In the meantime, Tina had "hooked up" with a poodle and had some strange looking puppies.

I don't remember what happened to Tina, if perhaps she did have an encounter with a coyote or just died of old age. We had two puppies out of her (EDIT to add more info, thanks to my Big Sis, read comments if you like.) and wound up with Sugar - Tina's tiny poodle-like grand-daughter - for years and she finally died of old age.


malapert \MAL-uh-purt\ , adjective;
1. Unbecomingly bold or saucy.
1. A malapert person.

"Unbecomingly bold or saucy"? I dunno, I kinda like saucy gals and especially bold ones.

Or gals that can make sauce.

Face it, I just like women.

May 11, 2010