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March 27, 2009

Foreigners Face Feedjit Facts

I've noticed on the Feedjit feed that this blog has been getting quite a number of non-USA hits on my spam posts. Here's the latest:

What's odd is that several come directly, not from Google or other searches.

I don't know what that means; it might mean someone else has sent the URL of a particular post to them or perhaps they're following the post via an RSS feed. Maybe they've visited before and are just seeing if someone has posted to it.

On the other hand, some might be the original spammers, coming back to see what the "bakapor" has done with the mail they sent me. They're all not from Russia or some other ex-Soviet bloc where much of this stuff originates, but some of them are.

They might be angry enough to post to a thread or send me an email. I'll need to brush up on my Russian curse words if that ever happens .

Paashol v'chorte! When you send me mails, you give me permission to post your email addy and the attached photos and text. Don't like it? Toughsky shitsky.


Alison said...

Toughsky , shitsky LOL I like it ( :

sharintexas said...

I never knew you were bilingual, Mike!

Mike said...

I can curse in several languages, sis.

sharintexas said...

Now THAT I knew...cussing doesn't count. One of the first string of Hispanic words I ever learned were cuss words...you remember the ones Dad used to say, I'm sure. I still say them sometimes....and mean them, too!

Mike said...

I remember one pop used to say (won't repeat it) and I used to use it out on the rigs when trying to deal with some malfunctioning machinery or a stuck bolt. Pretty soon everyone was using it.

We had a Mexican working with us once and he told me that it wasn't even a word; oh, the root word was the "F word" but it was nonsense otherwise. I told him that was what was intended, I think.

Doug T. taught me some German curse words, btw. They sound much like English ones, which is good in a way.

Thanks for posting!