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June 9, 2008

I'm a Raconteur Wannabe

From the Word of the Day feed in the right-hand column:

raconteur \rack-on-TUR\, noun: One who excels in telling stories and anecdotes.

He has an excellent raconteur's mind, memory, vocabulary and tongue, brings in a story just at the right time, in the right manner, serves his anecdotes perfectly either piping hot or ice-cold as tragedies.-- Anatole Pohorilenko and James Crump, When We Were Three

The pronunciation makes me think of Dolly Parton travelling from concert to concert.


Laura said...

It took me a minute to get that Dolly Parton joke. You're a nut! I can see you are big into Dolly Parton even though you don't like country music.

Laura said...
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Laura said...

It took me a minute to get that Dolly Parton joke. You're a nut! I can see you are big into Dolly Parton even though you don't like country music.