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September 12, 2008

Cat Nap

It's raining and making me sleepy, too.

I'm fixin' to push him over and join him in a snooze.


Barb said...

when my cat lays upside down like that I can not resist scratching her tummy and waking her up.

Mike said...

He's asleep over there again; earlier, while I was watching the game, he wanted to cuddle up but I couldn't sit still, was such an exciting game.

B loves his tummy rubbed, his chest and particularly underneath his chin. He's really a snugglebug, but his darned claws are so sharp, I hate to pick him up if I'm wearing a good one.

He's going into winter mode, his appetite has picked up and he's starting to come in more even though it's been pretty outside. Sometimes he sleeps for ten/twelve hours in a row, pops up, wants fed, wants outside, comes in wants fed and goes to sleep again.

The neighbors a few doors down have two little yipping dogs. He hates 'em, he's scared of big dogs, and he's smart for doing that, but he's not of these dogs, but it really upsets him when they yip at him when he's on the porch.

Mike said...

Wearing a good shirt, meant to say.