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March 13, 2013

When You Really Loved Someone-Agnetha Fältskog

Capital Trivia

Did you know the least populous state capital in the U.S. is Montpelier, Vermont? Its population, according to the 2010 Census, is 7,855.

Did you know the most populous state capital is Phoenix, Arizona, with a population of 1,445,632?

List of capitals in the United States

Roundabout - Yes

RIP Peter Banks

There were other better known Yes tunes I could have chosen, but this is the one that first comes to my mind when I think of the group. My roommate in college used to play the opening riff on his guitar and we'd listen to their album all night long, leaving it on the turntable where it would play over and over and over.

March 12, 2013

Psychic NASCAR

The other day I saw a quote attributed to Edgar Cayce on our Quote of the Day module in the right-hand column and while the name rang a bell, I wasn't for sure just exactly who he was. After a quick bit of research, I was reminded he was famous for being a psychic. I then went to the source of the quote and saw this:

What I'd like to know is what does Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton have to do with Cayce? For that matter why is Ric Flair, a pro wrestler or Fred Rogers - Mr. Rogers - included in the list? Why are racing legends Dale Earnhardt and Mario Andretti on there, too? That's more of a mystery than Edgar Cayce's alleged psychic abilities.

I wanted to put a really clever headline on this post and I did some looking around the 'net for words that rhymed with "psychic" but there aren't that many. Too bad there wasn't a soccer player on the list or I could have used "Kick Psychic" or some variation. Oh well. I did find some pyschic jokes; here are a couple of the best ones.

Last night I stayed up late playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died. -- Steven Wright

Two psychic healers meet in the street - "You're fine - how am I?"

Under the Google search for psychic jokes was this: 9 Psychic Jokes I'm Sick Of where a psychic explains why she doesn't find certain jokes about psychics funny at all. (Personally, I thought some of them hilarious) At first, my eyes were drawn to her phone rate for psychic reading - $4.99/minute -(which I found offensive) then I saw something she had written about herself that was much funnier than the jokes she found offensive.

Ever since I was diagnosed with schizophrenia, I haven't needed a crystal ball. I could see visions in a toothbrush!

Wow.  Schizophrenia + psychic ability + a toothbrush.  There's gotta be a joke there somewhere.  One will probably come to me later in a vision.

March 11, 2013

I'm Glad I'm Not High

Maintenance, that is.

I'm so low maintenance, I don't even come with an operator's manual.

You Are Low Maintenance

Compared to most people, you are incredibly easy going.

To be honest, you are truly a breath of fresh air.

You are open minded about trying new things, and you're not upset when things don't work out.

You are willing to go along to get along. 

And your attitude helps you truly enjoy life! 

The Vanishing Train

From New Scientist

It's a model train like no other: when it enters a tunnel, it seems to defy the properties of space and time. But of course, what you're seeing is just an illusion. Do you know what the trick involves?

Courtesy of neuroscientist Al Seckel, the video is free of editing effects or computer-generated imagery. "There is one train; it is as long as you see," he says. The illusion, presented in his newly published digital book that delves into the science of the world's best illusions, continues to fool Nobel laureates and other great minds when presented at conferences.

If you think you know what's happening in the video, let us know in the comments section below. The first person to post a correct answer will win a New Scientist goodie bag

March 10, 2013

Rattlesnake Roundup

One of the first arguments I ever got into on the 'net was in a TalkCity chat room where someone asked me if I lived near Sweetwater, Texas (where the rattlesnake roundup takes place.) I said I didn't live near there, but when the person asked what I thought of it, I replied that I couldn't see much wrong with it. I was then called a savage, a planet destroyer, a hater of Mother Gaia, etc.

I've done quite a bit of research on this hunt and others and rattlesnakes in general, especially after being attacked in my Rattlesnakes in Palo Duro Canyon post. (that's the reason I hid the comments and don't allow any others on that particular one) From what I've read, the hunt DOES have a short-term affect on the rattler population, but that the snakes adapt quickly to the fluctuations in food.  Reduce the rattler population, the numbers of rats, mice and rabbits go up, creating a larger food supply for the snakes, then their numbers increase in response. I've never seen anything that said rattlesnakes are anywhere close to being an endangered species.* 

Yes, it would be "best" for animals if we (humans) didn't encroach upon their territory, but we always have and always will.  As far as the charges of animal cruelty...well, that doesn't generate much sympathy in me.  The snakes are handled roughly, but the way they're dispatched doesn't see overly cruel to me. 

I've killed a few rattlers in my life, always when out hunting rabbits.  I've never gone out of my way to kill them;  I don't go hunting them, don't run over them in my vehicle.  I figure if they leave me alone, I'll leave them alone.   That said, if I found one in my yard then their life expectancy would be the exact amt. of time it would take me to find a hoe or shovel.

*After this post hit my reader and I re-read it, I thought I'd better add there is no danger, not at the present time, that Western Diamondback rattlers are endangered.  I have read the Eastern type is being considered for the endangered list.

I also want to add that I'm not endorsing the roundup but I'm also not going to condemn it.  I'll admit that I'm not a fan of snakes or most reptiles, so the fact that they're not "cute and cuddly" factors into my ambivalence.  If taking out so many rattlers reduces the population, one would think the number of snakes caught each year would go down.

March 9, 2013

Ten Principles of a Free Society

1. Rights belong to individuals, not groups; they derive from our nature and can neither be granted nor taken away by government.

2. All peaceful, voluntary economic and social associations are permitted; consent is the basis of the social and economic order.

3. Justly acquired property is privately owned by individuals and voluntary groups, and this ownership cannot be arbitrarily voided by governments.

4. Government may not redistribute private wealth or grant special privileges to any individual or group.

5. Individuals are responsible for their own actions; government cannot and should not protect us from ourselves.

6. Government may not claim the monopoly over a people's money and government must never engage in official counterfeiting, even in the name of macroeconomic stability.

7. Aggressive wars, even when called preventative, and even when they pertain only to trade relations, are forbidden.

8. Jury nullification, that is, the right of jurors to judge the law as well as the facts, is a right of the people and the courtroom norm.

9. All forms of involuntary servitude are prohibited, not only slavery but also conscription, forced association, and forced welfare distribution.

10. Government must obey the law that it expects other people to obey and thereby must never use force to mold behavior, manipulate social outcomes, manage the economy, or tell other countries how to behave.

 Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom by Ron Paul

March 8, 2013

50 Beautiful Women

50 of the Most Beautiful Women - Morphing

Cats Can Be Jerks

Laid Back As They Come

All innuendo aside, I'd say that's fairly true.

You Have A Type B Personality

You're as laid back as they come...

Your baseline mood is calm and level headed

Creativity and philosophy are your forte

Like a natural sedative, you have a soothing effect on people

Friends and family often turn to you first with their problems

You have the personality to be a spiritual or psychological guru


Two versions.  Personally, I prefer the original, but the remake is a pretty good job.

Shocking Blue


From A to Pee

How much liquid does the human bladder hold?

If you were to ask most women, the answer would probably be "Not enough!" Seriously, the bladder in humans and other mammals is an extremely elastic and expandable muscular sac. The average adult can comfortably hold up to about one-third quart of urine. More urine causes the bladder to become distended and uncomfortable. Each individual is different, of course, so there are wide variations in urine capacity.

It had been a while since I had done trivia and I couldn't remember if I had already posted this one, so I did a quick search. I hadn't, but was surprised that there were quite a few more pee posts.

I'm not really fond of bodily function humor, but one of the earliest jokes I ever remember was my momma saying "Just call me Peepee...I'm all urine." That was funny when I was about ten or so. I guess it still is. It's much funnier than the other similar joke I heard around the same time; counting off: "You're a five, You're a six, you're a seven, you're..."

That's about all the jokes I know about peeing, although when it was raining heavily my dad would say "It's coming down like a cow peein' on a flat rock."  It also reminds me of talking about the differences between men and women with an old girlfriend and she said women can do anything a man can do PLUS have babies.  I told her they couldn't write their names in the snow. 

The next time it snowed I reminded her about her boast and in just a few minutes, she proved me wrong.  Her "writing" wasn't as neat as mine, but to give her credit, it was legible.   It was also hilarious to see.

Oh, there's one more peeing joke I had forgotten.  It's been around as long as I can remember.  The first time I heard it, it had Richard Nixon in it, so that should tell you how old it is.  I'll update it to be current.

One snowy Washington DC morning, President Obama woke up and saw "Obama sucks!" written in the snow on the White House lawn.  He was so enraged, he got the FBI on the case, taking evidence to find out who was the culprit.  A few hours later, they came back to him with the report.

"We hate to have to tell you this...." said the FBI agent.  "Tell me!" commanded the President. "Well, we ran tests and it turns out it's Joe Biden's DNA."  Furious, the President glared at him.  "We have even more bad news, Mr. President." the FBI agent continued.  "What could be worse than having my Vice-President mock me?" asked the President.  "Well..." stammered the FBI man.  "It was in Michelle's handwriting."

OK, enough horrible jokes.  I'm sure they're pushing the G-rated classification of this blog as it is.    I'll just close with this admission:

I suffer from Paruresis.

March 6, 2013

El Degüello

El Degüello is the "No Quarter" song played by Santa Ana's troops during the start of the siege of the Alamo

El Degüello means "slit throat".

Ballad of the Alamo - Marty Robbins

Green Leaves of Summer

The Alamo fell on this day in 1836.

March 5, 2013

The Last Picture Show

One of my favorite movies. The movie takes place around the time I was born, but I can identify with the characters growing up in a small Texas town.

I haven't been to the movies in years, not since Titanic. (the movie, not the actual voyage) I love movies,though, and have a fairly large collection of DVDs, mostly being my favorite movies which I gleaned from the Wal Mart bargain bin. The majority of them are still in the wrappers, unopened and I'm saving them for a rainy day. Or when I don't have Internet. Or forget to pay the cable bill.

When I was a kid, my two older sisters and I used to go to the movies fairly often, nearly every Saturday. Our folks would drop us off there on a Saturday afternoon and go do Lord only knows what, but they'd be gone a long time and we'd not only watch the movie once, but sometimes sit through it a second time waiting on our parents. Even then, concession prices were outrageous so we'd smuggle candy in and use whatever money was left over from buying tickets to get soft drinks. We'd usually have a big carton of Whoppers malted milk balls, my oldest sister's favorite candy. My other sister still says my big sis would dole them out: "One for you, one for you and two for me....one for you, one for you, two for me." I don't remember it quite that way and I'm sure my sis gave me more than my share to keep me from fidgeting and whining. At that time, there were two theaters here in town, the La Vista Theater (recent photo) and the Capri Theatre.

The La Vista was an older movie house, but some seats were reclining and they also had a "crying room", a small soundproof room with a huge picture window so mothers could take cranky infants inside and not disturb the other patrons. I used to like to go in there sometimes just for the novelty of it. Some of their seats however were threadbare and crooked, the padding compressed by thousands of movie goer's butts over the decades. I can't remember when it closed, but the last time I was in there it was very run-down and dirty, the floor permanently sticky from thousands of gallons of spilled drinks, the once-beautiful art deco marquis in front showing its age.

The other theater, the Capri, was new, but lacked the style of the LaVista. The seats didn't recline, but at least they had padding. It's closed now as well, a victim of both a new multi-screen theater in the shopping center and the advent of home VCRs. I remember my folks speaking of La Nora Theatre with fondness, but that was before my time. According to what I read on the 'net, it burned down in 1960.

I don't recall my parents ever going to the theater with us, but I do remember all of us going to the drive-in. At one time there were two of them here in town, both long since gone. One of them had a playground right under the huge screen and I guess I was about six or seven and looking up and seeing the shower scene from Psycho, the knife ripping through the curtain, as large as a car from that perspective. I opted for baths for years after that.

Funny how things embarrass you when you're a kid. I absently mindedly scratched my butt once in the hallway at school and one of the other guys said "Hey, Mike....you goin' to the movies?" Puzzled, I shook my head. "Jes' wonderin'." he snickered. "You were pickin' yer seat." My face turned red with the howls of every kid in earshot. He didn't think it so funny when I poured vinegar into his chocolate milk later at lunch. I'm not sure what was more funny; the look on his face when he swallowed or watching it come out his nose. The lesson I learned best that day wasn't in reading or writing, but "don't get mad, get even."

I haven't been to a drive-in since I lived in Denton. A buddy and our girlfriends would load up and go, especially on the nights when it was "bumper sticker night"; if you had the bumper sticker on your vehicle of the radio station that sponsored the night, the entire carload got in for just a few dollars. The movies usually weren't all that good, but it was fun to get there early and watch the college kids drive in and unload eight or ten out of the car and sometimes several more out of the trunk. We usually went in my friend's El Camino, parking backwards in the space and sitting in lawn chairs in the back, drinking beer and enjoying the soft, warm North Texas nights more than we did the movie.

Thinking of how much fun it was to go to the movies when I was younger reminded me of a girl I went to school with. She was a couple of years younger than me, really cute, but...well, let's just say she wasn't the brightest bulb on the tree, ok? A classmate of mine took her to the movies one Saturday evening and told us about the date on the following Monday. She lived way out in the country, so he left early to pick her up as so to be able to get to the first showing of the movie he planned to take her to. She wasn't ready - I really don't think she was too good at telling time - and they got to the theater after the movie started.

They sat through the movie and the intermission after it was over. This was back when they didn't clear the theater after the showing (and that was why my sisters and I sat through two showings of a movie when we were kids) and there were local commercials, cartoons and coming attractions before the feature started. My friend and his date watched all of that, then watched the first of the movie that they had missed.

My classmate said several minutes of what they had seen had gone by and he was ready to go. He kept glancing over at the girl, but she was engrossed in the movie as if she had never seen it before. He waited a few more minutes, trying to be polite, thinking that she'd finally catch on that she had already seen that part of the movie, then leaned over to her and whispered:

"Where did we come in at?"

She looked at him like HE was the stupid one and with a mouth full of popcorn turned around and pointed:

"Right back there at that door!"

The Incredible Shrinking Building

March 4, 2013


That's what someone needs to say to me sometimes, esp. in regards to this blog. I've been trying to keep "fresh" content as so to keep my thousands hundreds dozens of three regular readers entertained, but have been slacking off here lately.  I've got a bunch of stuff to post, especially trivia, but I just can't work up the motivation.  I could post a quiz, but I don't like to do too many of those, or a video, but I don't like putting more than a couple on one "page".   I probably should get out and take some photos, but I think I've photographed everything in a hundred mile radius - twice.

For the first time in months, I even forgot to play the quiz.   Good grief.  I even forgot to visit several of my favorite websites I try to hit every day.

I've also been having more U-Verse problems.   It's really frustrating trying to watch a movie or documentary on Hulu or YouTube and have it stop in the middle, then not being able to pick it up where the connection went offline. I've been checking into other options, but none really sound any better or close to the same cost. 

So, if I don't post, it doesn't mean I'm dead (I hope)...it's just that I'm either experiencing extreme ennui or my connection is playing up.

March 2, 2013

3 Second Rule - Lisa Gail Allred

A friend made a comment about pop music in another post and while doing some research on what was said, I ran across this video in a site where the author of the article said he detested country pop. I like to think I'm fairly in-the-know on most Internet memes and new phenomena, but I wasn't familiar with this video or the singer/songwriter.

Watch this please, then tell me what you think in the comments. Thanks!

March 1, 2013

Not For Sure

What these two similar clip-arts are.

They're either models at a Dodge truck show...

Or Princess Leia and her momma.

(lecturing her about why it's not a good idea to have an affair with her own brother)

Making Money Is a Snap!

Anyone who knows me or has followed this blog for any length of time knows I am a Dallas Cowboy fan. (there's a Cowboys news module in the right-hand side column) I don't post much about them because frankly, it's been hard to be a fan for the last decade or so and I don't want or need trolls coming in and blasting my favorite team. I know they've sucked for a long time, I don't need to be reminded of it.

That said, I'm still a fan, although not as much of one as I once was. As I've grown older, I've become less and less interested in football...and all sports, for that matter. I try to watch the Cowboys on TV, but if they're playing badly I have no problem changing the channel. I've done that a lot over the last 15 years. I'm no fair-weather fan, but I'm also not a glutton for punishment.

I still keep up with them, however, reading articles about them on the Dallas Cowboys website and subscribe to a few fan sites in my reader. I was glad to see this article yesterday: Cowboys Sign Long Snapper LaDouceur To Five-Year Deal. I couldn't find the exact terms of the contract, at least none that sounded correct. Most sources said it was a five-year deal for $4 million, but LaDouceur has been in the league long enough to get at least the veteran minimum wage and the math doesn't work for that number.

Doing some quick research, I found that he made $790,000 for the 2012 season. Considering that all he does is "long snap", I decided to research a little more to see how much he made per actual play he was on the field. I figure he played during 31 field goal attempts, 68 punts and 38 PAT (subtracting three 2 point tries) for a total of 137 plays....without making a bad snap. That works out to $5,766.42/play. Not bad wages, huh?

That made me wonder about other player's wages per play. I thought about figuring what certain of my favorite players made, but the task would have been daunting, trying to find out the exact number of times they were on the field, taking off their substitutions, injuries, etc. It was fairly easy to calculate the number for the team's highest profile player and quarterback, Tony Romo.

(and I don't care what other people think of him, he's a favorite of mine and a good player. I don't care if anyone disagrees with me on his worth to the team; you can point out his mistakes, but I'll point out your lack of football knowledge.)

According to the Cowboy website's statistics, Dallas ran 1,049 offensive plays in 2012. The site says the backup QB Orton attempted 10 passes, but there's no breakdown of how many times he handed off the ball. So, let's just say for the matter of simplicity that Tony Romo was on the field for 925 plays, taking off the extra point kicks, adding back the 2 point tries, taking away the punt plays and estimating however many times Orton handed off. 925 is close enough for me.

Romo's listed salary for 2012 was $9,000,000. Now, I'm not sure, what with the signing bonus and the "funny money" salary cap implications, if it was more or less than that amount, but again, for the sake of simplicity, let's go with the figure of nine million. That means he got paid $9729.73 per play.

(for all you anal-retentive stat freaks: if you have a problem with my figures for that or any of the other calculations I've done, send me an email with detailed corrections, screen captures of your calculations and verified links to your sources to: idonotgiveadamn@buzzoff.net)

That's a pretty decent wage, wouldn't you say? Especially considering that a good percentage of those plays were just handing off the ball and not getting touched. Then again, there were far too many plays like this one:

That wasn't even close to the worst hit he took this last year, but I'm sure he would have given up part of his per-play salary to have avoided that hit. Hell, I would have given it ALL back, plus another couple of play's worth. LaDouceur might make only half of what Romo does per snap, but it's a wonder Romo's neck hasn't been snapped.

March Quiz Begins!

The previous monthly tournament for the ToTG Trivia Tournament has ended and a new one starts now!

Go to the quiz and play today!  Easy enough to do;  register, log in and begin.  There are ten questions, each with four multiple choices.  Hurry as fast as you can, though, because your score for the game not only depends upon correct answers, but your time as well.

The quizzes are set to the hardest categories possible, so don't be dismayed by not getting them all right.  Even with the regular "big brains" playing, a perfect score is rare.

Let's see what kind of brain you have!

February 28, 2013

For Your Love - The Yardbirds

According to the description under the video, this is a promo for French TV; I chose this one because it was fun and more like a musical video of today and not just the music w/ a static graphic like other options.

This would be in my Top Ten List on the definitive rock and roll songs of all-time.

My Music Personality

I like Mozart and Metallica, AC/DC and Adele, Clint Black and Black Sabbath, so I figured my music personality would be more bi-polar, but....

Some of the questions I could have answered with "none of the above".

Your Music Personality is Upbeat and Conventional

You love music that is easy to listen to. You like a catchy melody and a few good hooks.

The types of music you tend to gravitate toward are top 40, pop, oldies, country, and soundtracks. You don't have to look far to find music you enjoy.

Of all the types, you are the most agreeable. What makes others happy tends to make you happy as well.

You are also the least open to new things. You tend to have plenty of things you like, so you don't seek out novelty.

It's likely that you are quite content with yourself and your life. You are confident in who you are.

You are social and easygoing. You like to be a part of a group, and you value harmony. 

February 26, 2013

Jessica - The Allman Brothers (live)

Originally posted March 25, 2008.

"Bumped" to say RIP Dan Toler

Dedicated to my pal, Garazon.

February 25, 2013


xeric xe·ric [zeer-ik]
of, pertaining to, or adapted to a dry environment.

Most of the time, I'd rather this part of Texas wasn't so xeric, but today the wetness is in the form of blowing snow. I'd settle for a little xeric conditions instead of this blizzard.   Oh well, at least it will be good for the farms and grassland.

That would make a cool name for a town, though, huh?  "Xeric, Texas".  You'd know someone was from out of the area if they pronounced it "Ex-er-rick"

Moon Phase Widget

Courtesy of Joe's Web Tools

An explanation of Lunar Phases

Countries in the different hemispheres see the Moon from a completely different vantage point from each other. In the northern hemisphere the first quarter looks like a growing D, while in the southern hemisphere it looks like a C. In the northern hemisphere the last quarter looks like a C, while in the southern hemisphere looks like a D. 

A handy memonic device to figure out if the moon is waxing or waning in the Northern Hemisphere is by thinking "DOC" as to the current "shape".
(D first quarter O full Moon C last quarter)

In the Southern Hemisphere it would be "C O D"
(C first quarter O full Moon D last quarter)

Oscar Talk

Without going through each of my picks on the Miramax Oscar Challenge contest, it looks like I did fairly well but probably not enough to win anything. I got the two Best Actor awards correct, as well as some lesser awards, but I'm sure I wasn't close enough to have a chance.  Oh well, I wasn't expecting to win anyway...as I said in the linked post, I hadn't seen any of the movies except for the one short "Paperman". (and I read that the producer of the short was thrown out of the ceremonies for a brief time because, when the award was announced, she threw several paper airplanes from the top balcony)

I didn't watch a single moment of the show, but checking the Drudge Report to see who had won, I decided I wanted to see the "We Saw Her Boobs" song Seth McFarlane did that caused such controversy.  I thought it hilarious.

I am a conservative, but enjoy McFarlane's "Family Guy" as well as "American Dad!" (to a lesser extent)  Both shows poke fun at traditional values but it would be disingenuous to say they only slam conservatives. (that's another post for another time)  I really enjoyed the skit with William Shatner as Captain Kirk calling from the future to tell McFarland he was rapidly ruining the show.  I wouldn't be able to compare any recent hosts with McFarland, but from what I saw, he did a fairly good job.  He wasn't as good as Billy Crystal, but he was much better than the abomination that was David Letterman's performance.

I'm really glad I missed the Best Picture award presentation, the Oscar announced by Michelle Obama.  I have no love for President Obama, but am growing very weary of seeing her mug on the news or anywhere two or more celebrities are gathered together. (It seems I'm not the only one)  I've ranted about this before, but it's sickening how Hollywood and the progressive leftists are in bed together. (I suspect most in the audience were top donors to Obama's campaigns) It's bad enough that far too many movies mock Christianity and conservatives, but to have politics take over the awards show that honors those films (even more than usual)...well, it's just one more reason I'm glad I didn't watch. 

Calling All Ships

Did you know if you want to make a phone call to someone aboard a ship at sea, you'll need to use the global maritime area code "870" ?

February 24, 2013

Don't Double Dip!

I just noticed an odd thing on this blog's Feedjit counter; someone had multiple hits on the 7-Layer Mexican Dip recipe I had posted quite a few years ago. I've never checked search engines, but that post must be up near the top when people are looking for that particular recipe because it's one of the most-visited posts. (sometimes even more than "gay dwarfs" or "sister's feet".)

I wonder what would cause that? I'm sure they didn't click the post that many times, so it must be some sort of glitch.

Whatever it was, it reminded me of this classic scene from Seinfeld. (the best version didn't allow for embedding, so I had to settle for this one which cuts out the scuffle between George and the other guy. Still funny, though.)

And The Oscar Goes To...

Me! Best Documentary for "The Mating Habits of Roughnecks".

"I'd like to thank all the little people out there who I stepped on or slept with  along the way! Thank you, thank you! You like me, you really like me!"

You Would Win Best Documentary Feature

You are very curious about and engaged with the world. Everyone is interesting to you.

You have a variety of interests, and you delve into them quite deeply.

People are impressed by the sheer quantity of stuff you know, and you're learning more every day.

However, you're not just informed. You also are very informative. You share what you know in an engaging and interesting way.

February 22, 2013

I Won't Back Down - Tom Petty

And The Heartbreakers

Shave Like a Man

One of the best commercials I've seen.(in a while, anyway)

February 21, 2013

Every Nuclear Explosion Since 1945

Japanese artist Isao Hashimoto has created a beautiful, undeniably scary time-lapse map of the 2053 nuclear explosions which have taken place between 1945 and 1998, beginning with the Manhattan Project's "Trinity" test near Los Alamos and concluding with Pakistan's nuclear tests in May of 1998. This leaves out North Korea's two alleged nuclear tests in this past decade (the legitimacy of both of which is not 100% clear).

Each nation gets a blip and a flashing dot on the map whenever they detonate a nuclear weapon, with a running tally kept on the top and bottom bars of the screen. Hashimoto, who began the project in 2003, says that he created it with the goal of showing"the fear and folly of nuclear weapons." It starts really slow — if you want to see real action, skip ahead to 1962 or so — but the buildup becomes overwhelming.

Miramax Oscar Ballot Challenge

Take the Miramax Oscar Ballot Challenge for a chance to win prizes.

From the site:

Here’s your chance to win a massive prize pack of Miramax Oscar®-winning films. Are you ready to take the challenge? Complete your ballot now!

GRAND PRIZE: 20 of Miramax’s Academy Award®-winning films
2nd PLACE: Miramax’s Best Picture, Actor and Actress winning films
3rd PLACE: Miramax’s Best Picture winning films

All entries must be submitted by 11:59pm Pacific Time on Saturday, February 23, 2013.

Before you start, review the official rules.

I haven't seen any of these movies in their entirety (although I did embed "Paperman" earlier this month, but have now noticed the video has been made  private), but I have seen some of the trailers and read "the buzz" on most.  So, my entry into the contest is riddled with (mostly) educated guesses and a few favorites.  Here are my picks:

Actor in a Supporting Role: Tommy Lee Jones, Lincoln
Animated Feature: Frankenweenie
Original Song: 'Skyfall' - Skyfall
Original Screenplay: Zero Dark Thirty
Animated Short: Paperman
Documentary Short: Redemption
Live Action Short: Henry
Makeup: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Adapted Screenplay: Life of Pi
Supporting Actress: Sally Field, Lincoln
Production Design: Les Miserables
Costume Design: Lincoln
Sound Editing: Life of Pi
Sound Mixing: Life of Pi
Cinematography: Life of Pi
Original Score: Skyfall
Visual Effects: Life of Pi
Documentary Feature: How to Survive a Plague
Film Editing: Life of Pi
Foreign Film: Kon-Tiki
Actor in a Leading Role: Daniel Day-Lewis, Lincoln
Actress in a Leading Role: Jennifer Lawrence, Silver Linings Playbook
Director: Steven Spielberg, Lincoln
Best Picture: Lincoln

After you fill out your choices, you'll get an email listing them.  I hope I don't get more spam because of it, but if I do...oh well.

Miramax Oscar Ballot Challenge

February 20, 2013

Procession - The Moody Blues

A homemade video of one of the most interesting songs that's ever been written. With only three words for the lyrics, "Procession" basically describes the history of music from the beginning of time up to the present.

Read more about "Procession" at Wikipedia

Fun Phone Fact

Did you know the first phone in the White House was installed  in 1879 during the Rutherford B. Hayes administration? (even before electricity in 1891) Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, gave Hayes personal instructions on how to use it. The number was "1" because at first it was only connected to the Treasury Dept.

I wonder how long it was until the President was interrupted during dinner by a telemarketer?

February 18, 2013

The Gourde

Did you know that the official currency of Haiti is known as gourde, named after the gourd? (botanically classified as a fruit) In the early 1800's the ruler of northern Haiti declared all gourds to be state property and had them rounded up and brought to the state treasury where they were then reissued as currency. Eventually banknotes and coins replaced the gourds, but gourde has remained the name of Haiti's official currency.

I first discovered this fact when I read The Black Sun as a young man. My folks were big fans of the Mandingo series of books, as well as others written by Kyle Onstott and his partners. The books were really too adult for my age but I guess my parents thought it better for me to find out about sex that way instead of them having to uncomfortably explain it to me.

There were gourds growing in the pastures surrounding the house where I grew up; not sure what specific type of gourd they were, but they usually didn't grow much larger than a baseball and, in fact, throwing them was the most fun I had with them.  The vines and fruit smelled to high heaven when crushed, with an odor like day-old B.O.  After working hard all day during a hot summer, I often heard my dad say "I smell just like an ol' gourd vine." 

February 17, 2013

A Head's Up

Thought I'd better let everyone know a week in advance:

I won't be posting on this blog on Feb. 29th or the 30th.

It's a religious holiday for me.

February 16, 2013

Not Exactly a Comedy

But I'm watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets .... for probably the twentieth time. Not really "watching" it because I'm sitting at the computer but it's on behind me.

You Should Watch a Comedy

You are a fun loving person who is able to laugh at all aspects of life.

Some may think you're light-hearted, but you're also able to be amusingly dark.

You can see both the best and worst in people. More importantly, you understand how absurd life can be.

You find a well written comedy to be intelligent and even insightful. Anyone can make a good movie, but only a genius can make a hilarious movie.

I'd agree with the results. I DO understand how absurd life can be. Well, I understand how absurd MY life is.

I haven't watched a good movie in quite some time.  Oh, I've watched movies, but none of them have been too good.

Yeah, should watch a comedy.   The only comedy that's coming on is Beetlejuice and I watched it (again) not too terribly long ago and that will do me for that particular movie for about five more years.  It wasn't all that great the FIRST time I saw it.

Too bad I can't sit back and watch my love life.  It's laughably non-existent. -sigh-

Carpet Sprouts

Note:  Originally published on November 11, 2008. I noticed a hit on an old post from that month and got to looking though some of them. (checking to see if the videos still worked, etc.) I just bumped it up because I thought it funny and have been slacking off on posting here lately. Hey, if no one has seen it, it's new to them, right?

The young couple had just started to move in a few houses down from me. I went down, introduced myself and offered to help them move in. They were grateful, but declined and told me before they moved their furniture in, they were going to shampoo the carpets. I agreed that that was a good idea as the last tenants had been less than tidy people.

I noticed them down there until later that night, then the next day the guy knocked on my door. He asked me to come down to see something strange at his new digs, so I followed him into the house.

The house was almost unbearably hot and humid, not something I wanted to experience on a normal hot and humid Texas afternoon. The wet heat hit me as soon as I walked through the door. He told me they had shampooed the carpet the night before, then turned on the heater to help it dry.

Until the day I die, I will probably never see another sight as I did that day. There, poking up out of the shag carpet, were thousands and thousands of little white sprouts, tiny things with little green leaves coming out of the tops and I recognized them immediately: they were freshly sprouted....

....pot plants.

I had seen this phenomenon before, albeit on a much smaller scale, a long time ago when my wife and I moved into some less-than-clean quarters.

The moral to the story is: Vacumn before you shampoo the carpet. If you smoke pot, flush the seeds.


February 15, 2013

60 Years of CBS Actresses

Hat tip to TYWKIWDBI

Too bad CBS has morphed from a once credible and respected news organization into the mouthpiece for the progressive wing of the Democratic party.

February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

To all my faithful readers and random visitors alike.

It's a little too late for me, though.

Roses are #ff0000, violets are #0000ff, all my base are belong to you.

Happy ♥ Day!

Your Song - Elton John

Happy Valentines Day to all!

February 13, 2013

My Beer Personality

I was a little surprised at these results. I'm not a Heineken drinker and in fact, always thought that brand tasted a little "skunky". To be fair, I might never have had good, fresh examples of it.  Another similar test said I was Budweiser, which has always been one of my least-favorite beers.

In all honesty, I'm not much of a drinker, beer or otherwise. When I DO drink, it's not for the taste.

You Are Heineken

You appreciate a good beer, but you're not a snob about it.

You like your beer mild and easy to drink, so you can concentrate on being drunk.

Overall, you're a friendly drunk who's likely to buy a whole round for your friends... many times.

Sometimes you can be a bit boring when you drink. You may be prone to go on about topics no one cares about.

Besides getting the beer wrong, the other results might very well be true, esp. about blathering on when I'm drunk. I sometimes turn into Cliff Clavin when I drink.

No, not much of a beer drinker, but I do like this song!

I Like Beer - Tom T Hall

Today's Spam

It would be my luck to meet a FreeCamsToday girl that had PMS.

My momma once told me that PMS stood for "Putting up with Men's Sh*t".

February 12, 2013

Amazing Trivial Coincidence

Note: links go to YouTube videos of the songs. Four embedded videos in one post is a bit too much.

Did you know "I Think We’re Alone Now", a #1 hit in the U.S. for Tiffany in 1987, was written by Ritchie Cordell and first released by Tommy James & The Shondells in 1967? You did?

Well, I bet you didn't know that the #2 hit on the U.S. charts that year was Billy Idol's "Mony Mony"...which was also written by Ritchie Cordell and first recorded by Tommy James & The Shondells.

February 10, 2013

Scare Tactics

I've seen some strange spam, most of it sexual in nature, but this one is just about the strangest I've ever seen. It came from "Expess Pharmacy" and in the subject line was this:

I don't know what could cause that (outside of getting on the bad side of Lorena Bobbitt), but I sure don't want it happening to me. I don't use mine for much, but I'm still fond of it.   I'm attached to it and I want it to remain attached to me.

February 9, 2013

Egypt Blocks YouTube

I normally don't delve into serious news or into religious issues, but when I read this earlier: Egypt court orders YouTube blocked for a month I had to see what all the fuss was about.  It seems the Egyptians are all butt-hurt over a movie, Innocence of Muslims.  I won't embed it, but here's the trailer (with a disclaimer by YouTube).

The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as being potentially offensive or inappropriate. Viewer discretion is advised.

The full-length movie has also been uploaded, so if you want to see it before it's taken down, you'd best hurry.

Those Muslims...they're always getting their panties in wad over something trivial in the grand scheme of things.   I see Christianity mocked all the time, from frequent segments on Family Guy and American Dad! to "artists" calling a crucifix in urine "art".  You didn't see ME rioting in the streets and you never will.  I doubt I'll ever even dash off an an angry email to the network.  I'm damn sure not blowing myself up and/or killing someone over it.

Oh well, what can you expect from a bunch of savages? I've done a lot of reading on Islam, but everything I really ever needed to know I learned on 9/11.

Someone better not tell them about THESE two videos;  they'd really get all bent out of shape.

King Tut - Steve Martin

Little Egypt - Elvis Presley

Igor Presnyakov

One of my newest subscribed-to channels on YouTube and rapidly becoming one of my favorites. Igor Presnyakov covers all sorts of tunes, from Metallica to Adele, from AC/DC to The Beatles in an inimitable fashion. If you like songs played with a finger-style guitar, then be sure to give Igor's channel a try!

From his official website

Born in Moscow, Russia, Igor Presnyakov studied classical music at a nearby academy and would eventually graduate as both a guitarist and a conductor for ensembles. He relocated to the Netherlands to further his career, which has now spanned over 35 years. His unique acoustic guitar-style is influenced by various musical genres from Reggae, Rock and Roll, R&B, Country-western, Jazz and Heavy Metal. His most noticeable attribute, is his creative style of “beating” the percussion of the song, onto the body of his acoustic guitar while playing. This replicates the sound of multiple musicians, while only Igor is playing. While he sometimes sings on many of his original and cover-songs, Igor is more famous for mimicking the vocal parts of a song, into guitar-solos, while often adding a softer, jazzier sound.

Igor’s popularity has risen since he first debuted on YouTube in 2007. He currently has over 132 million total upload views, in addition to over 256,000 subscribers.

I could have embedded any one of his 244 videos (at the time of this writing) but this is one of his latest and most beautiful.

Here Comes the Sun